[] cluster_domain: cluster.local infra_container_image: "" cluster_dns_server: fail_swap_on: false generate_serving_certificate: false kubeproxy: image: "" extra_args: {} extra_binds: [] extra_env: [] network: plugin: canal options: {} mtu: 0 node_selector: {} ...
I guess this has most likely been happening since installing the cluster, but I didn't notice until I was digging in to change a self-signed root CA certificate. The cluster is up and connected fine, so I'm assuming this failure is only informational in nature (related to just stats gat...
Options: apparmor seccomp Profile: default Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1030-gcp Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS OSType: linux Architecture: x86_64 CPUs: 4 Total Memory: 14.64GiB Name: k8s-m-9999 ID: A4I7:GV4R:QRMN:DEUK:PTRD:24FI:YMSW:HZSY:3IGX:4JWZ:A2XN:46UC Docker Root Dir: ...
What surgical options are available for patients who experience persistent symptoms following spine surgery? • Decompression of neural elements (spinal cord, cauda equina, nerve roots) • Realignment of spinal deformities • Spinal stabilization. The load-bearing capacity of the vertebral column is...
plugin: canal options: {} mtu: 0 node_selector: {} update_strategy: null authentication: strategy: x509 sans: [] webhook: null addons: "" addons_include: [] system_images: etcd: rancher/coreos-etcd:v3.4.3-rancher1 alpine: rancher/rke-tools:v0.1.56 ...
"root" ssh_key: "" ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/id_rsa" ssh_cert: "" ssh_cert_path: "" ignore_proxy_env_vars: false monitoring: provider: "" options: {} node_selector: {} update_strategy: null replicas: null tolerations: [] metrics_server_priority_class_name: "" restore: restore: ...
eth1### To specify flannel interface for canal plugin##network:#plugin: canal#canal_network_provider:#iface: eth1#network:options:flannel_backend_type:"vxlan"plugin:"canal"restore:restore:false##services:#kube-api:#service_cluster_ip_range: 10.42....
Applying options for * debug1: Connecting to machine.local [] port 22. debug1: Connection established. debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa type -1 debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1 debug1: identity file /root/.ssh/id_dsa type -1 debug1: identity ...
anyOf ERROR $root.definitions.org.projectcalico.crd.v1.GlobalNetworkPolicy.properties.spec.properties.ingress.items.<array>.properties.destination.properties.notPorts.items.<array> has invalid property: anyOf ERROR $root.definitions.org.projectcalico.crd.v1.GlobalNetworkPolicy.properties.spec.properties....
Checking root: /host/var/run/runc Checking root: /host/run/docker/execdriver/native Checking root: /host/var/run/docker/execdriver/native Checking root: /host/run/docker/runtime-runc/moby Checking file: 3db29cd163283ea4f5d145d71c741e91b039648a45ce2480f95b25338e505009 ...