jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Failed connecting to host at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect( at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryClient.connect( at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.sendCommand( at redis.clients....
报错原因:没有启动服务,打开服务即可 redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Exceptioninthread"main"redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Failed connecting to host localhost:6379at redis.clients.jedis.Connection.connect( at redis.clients.jedis.BinaryClient....
检查redis-server后面显示的IP地址和端口是否与程序中一致,不一致需要修改 (1)如果显示的是127.0.0.1,就需要修改redis的配置文件了 将bind的参数值改为redis-server所在机器的ip地址
The problem is, i can easy ping or connecting via Remote Desktop on 2 VM. is there any services or anything must be installed? Please help. Thank you. Regards, Sando JunitraHi Sando,Presumably you are getting this error after adding the Hyper-V host to Veeam and during the Backup Job ...
I have installed and configured SharePoint 2013 in litsp3 first as that was the server I chosen to host central administration site.While adding my second server litsp1 I faced an issue which is a brand new error in SharePoint , it was causing while configuring the “Distribute...
We need to make sure you have a REST server on port 8010 configured with digest auth to match your code. You're not trying to do SSL, correct? Also, can you confirm how many nodes you have in your cluster and that each one has the REST server configured? Can you share the host...
I'm new totypeorm. For now, I'm trying to connect to my local sql server which is: Server name:.\SQLEXPRESS Port:1433(default) This is my configuration file (ormconfig.json): { "type": "mssql", "host": "localhost", "port": 1433, "username": "sa", "password": "mypassword"...
I have a dataflow to perform some data manipulation. It fails on the sink task. But the dataset in the dataflow sink task connects to the Azure SQL DB is successfully when the connection is tested. The TCP/IP connection to the host has failed. Make…
在nginx 的日志中看到:connect() failed (113: No route to host) while connecting to upstream, client: 相关的错误信息,由于 nginx 服务一直正常且从未重启过,一直在定位 服务的容器是否启动成功。通过docker service ps 查看容器的状态: docker service ps service_name ...
Hi, when I try to stream to Twitch, I get this error: "Failed to connect to server: Hostname found, but no data of the requested type. This can occur if you have bound to an IPv6 address and your streaming service only has IPv4 addresses (see Settings -> Advanced)." I've done ...