Failed building wheel for httptools Running install for httptools … error Complete output from command c:\users\sandy\venv\scripts\python.exe -u -c “import setuptools, tokenize;file=‘C:\Users\sandy\AppData\Loca…
Building wheels for collected packages: ydk, pyang, Twisted, protobuf, ncclient, zope.interface Running bdist_wheel for ydk ... done Stored in directory: /home/saber/.cache/pip/wheels/2f/2a/e4/9b3bdc32336f3bdcc46c54d9b4f355f360ee579a2d88ecddcf Running bdist_...
Building wheel for fasttext ( ... error ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: /home/zhaodachuan/anaconda3/bin/python -u -c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '"'"'/tmp/pip-install-8j7ak4y0/fasttext/'"'"'; __file__='"'"'/tmp...
Carlos Ochoa Medrano 30 Reputation points 1 Dec 2023, 1:55 pm Hi everyoneI'm trying to add extensions in Azure CLI with the command: az extension add --name subscription however I get the following message: An error occurred. Pip failed with status code 1. Use --debug for mor...
Additionally, try this on VS for Mac to see whether it could work.Where can I see logs to identify exact problem, if at all logs are creating. Help => Xamarin => Open Logs Another option is to open a free support ticket and upload your logs there:
Now the strange part is, the issue does not seem to happen for everyone, the docker image was working fine for@niklasjanz. I also found the docker image sometimes working fine at different times by targeting different nixpkgs versions (I'm building a GCE image with nix). ...
Hi all, when installing gym, I encountered this problem: Failed building wheel for pachi-py, the final error message is: `Command "/Users/admin/anaconda/bin/python -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;file='/private/var/folders/jx/x83g474d...
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/ error: can't copy 'etc/bash_completion.d/pyang': doesn't exist or not a regular file--- Failed building wheel for pyang Running clean for pyang Running bdist...
Building a Windows Forms Application in C++ environment builtin type size differences between 32 bit and 64 bit in Visual C++ Button background color in Win32. C / C++ Timer interrupts (Visual Studio) c code to open float from text file C program not linking to CRT calls memset() for un...
Monday, January 15, 2018 6:35 PMI keep getting the error when I enter the designerprettyprint 复制 Failed to parse method 'InitializeComponent'. The parser reported the following error 'Invalid symbol kind: NamedType'. Please look in the Task List for potential errors. ...