启动tomcat的时候报Failed tostartcomponent [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext。 虽然说你启动tomcat运行的项目可能只有一个,但是tomcat会对之前部署到它容器的工程,不知道有没有说错。报这个错,我发现我以前部署的工程影响到了现在的tomcat运行。 解决方法 ...
Run the ls command and verify it there is a vmware-vdcs.pid entry Run this command to create a new folder to move the pid file to: mkdir clspid Move the vmware-vdcs.pid file using this command: mv vmware-vdcs.pid clspid Run this command to start the vCenter Server Appliance services...
打开【Project Structure】窗口,单击【Dependencies】,在单击【+】选择【Library】 跳出窗口后单击【Add Selected】,依赖添加完成后点击【OK】 (十一)启动Tomcat服务器 这时候运行还是会报错,就需要配置Artifacts,在WEB-INF中创建lib包,在把SpringMVCDemo01项目依赖的全部jar包,单击右键,选择【Put into /WEB-INF/lib】...
Hi Team, We are using spring boot version 2.7.1 and java version 11 and MongoDB Atlas 5 version.. Now, normally when a spring/boot application starts up, it tries to connect to dependent resources. in our case MongoDB Atlas, and if the c...
at org.sonar.core.platform.SpringComponentContainer.startComponents(SpringComponentContainer.java:187) at org.sonar.server.platform.platformlevel.PlatformLevel.start(PlatformLevel.java:80) at org.sonar.server.platform.platformlevel.PlatformLevel2.start(PlatformLevel2.java:101) ...
Could you try with a project created from start.spring.io like this one if it works? After I use it, a new problem arises [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.0.0:build-image (default-cli) on project demo-springboot3-native: Execution defaul...
Install Sun Cluster HA for Containers and Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat data-service packages in the global zone of each cluster node that you want to run the failover zone. Create the failover zone. Configure the boot component to control your failover zone....
Oracle MAA with Oracle Database 12c is unique in enabling users to continue processing transactions with zero interruption (applications do not receive an error and in- flight transactions succeed) through component, system, and database outages or during planned maintenance. Oracle Real Application ...
This example is from an N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 4.1 Master Server. The Apache Tomcat is configured to listen on Port 8080. The default start page contains the stringService, or the stringSSLif you configured it to respond on theSSLPort. ...
Error: Component legend.scroll not exists. Load it first. 2019-12-17 14:04 −解决办法: 找到vue-echarts下的components>echarts.vue, 将import echarts from 'echarts/lib/echarts'改成import echarts from 'echarts'。... 沐雨辰沨 0