一、问题解析 1. 我们要了解“Failed to open descriptor”是什么意思。在游戏中, descriptor 是指游戏客户端与服务器之间的通讯链路。当这个链路出现问题时,就会出现“Failed to open descriptor”的提示。 2. 这个问题的出现,通常是由于游戏服务器连接人数过多,导致服务器负载过重,无法正常处理客户端的请求。 3....
分享9赞 实况足球手游吧 啊·老虎🐯 MessageFailed to open descriptor file 消息无法打开描述符文件 我重新下还是不行啊啊 着急【图片】能下载的地方都试了,都是这样 分享1912 leaves吧 yelinquan 【每日线报】劲酒全自动抽奖活动网址:http://img.sh.sohu.com/jingjiu/1404/stage2/index.html 代码使用方法:F12...
I have successfully setting up my Root CA and Sub CA without any errors but when I am trying to renew my Sub CA I have the following error: An error occurred when creating the new key container "My_Sub_CA_Name(1)". Please make sure the CSP is installed correctly or select another ...
怎么获取layeredDrawableDescriptor对象信息? 业务场景与解决方案 多设备场景 手表/手环(Wear Engine) 如果工程已有APP ID,是否需要重新申请,填写新的APP ID 没有弹出用户授权界面 接口调用时返回App has not applied for the Wear Engine service错误信息 打开HR传感器后,没有立刻上报数据 HR传感器数据中,...
怎么获取layeredDrawableDescriptor对象信息? 业务场景与解决方案 多设备场景 手表/手环(Wear Engine) 如果工程已有APP ID,是否需要重新申请,填写新的APP ID 没有弹出用户授权界面 接口调用时返回App has not applied for the Wear Engine service错误信息 打开HR传感器后,没有立刻上报数据 HR传感器数据中,...
IdeaFailed toreadartifact descriptor for XXX 问题ideaFailed toreadartifact descriptor for net.minidev:json-smart:jar:2.3-SNAPSHOT使用IDEA创建Spring Boot项目时,pom.xml中报了这么一个错误原因查了一下,原因是网速不好,下载依赖包出错,但idea认为依赖包已下载完成,所以不再下载,但springboot应用找不到jar包,报错...
Run the Validate a Configuration wizard to check your storage configuration. If the error code was ERROR_CLUSTER_SHUTDOWN then the Online Pending state was canceled by an administrator. If this is a replicated volume, then this could be the result of a failure to set the disk attr...
[ RUN ] tcti_pcap_init_open_fail_test ERROR:tcti:src/tss2-tcti/tcti-pcap-builder.c:218:pcap_init() Failed to open file pcap_file: No error information WARNING:tcti:src/tss2-tcti/tcti-pcap-builder.c:322:pcap_deinit() Failed to close file: Bad file descriptor ERROR:tcti:src/tss2-...
The request descriptor is not valid. errSecRequestLost The request is lost. errSecRequestRejected The request is rejected. errSecSelfCheckFailed Self-check failed. errSecServiceNotAvailable The required service is not available. errSecStagedOperationInProgress A staged operation is in progress....
so root is the owner, and the chown command failed (do you already have a user on your system named mongod? if not, that command will fail) so the owner was still root. But then you ran mongod as a normal user so it was unable to create any lock file in the data directory. Yo...