Open config directory Copy plugin files Completion Restart Android Studio Check plugin list Android Studio Plugin Installation Journey 插件加载状态统计 在这里,我们用饼状图显示插件加载成功和失败的比例: 70%30%Plugin Load StatusSuccessFailure 结论 解决Android Studio 中的 “fail to load plugin descriptor f...
HarmonyOS NEXT开源组件市场 根据gitee的下载连接,下载了。如果在dev studio -settings-plugins-设置按钮-install from disk ,会报错,说明这个不是真正的插件包。 解压这个zip,在plugin文件夹下有个,导入这个压缩包就可以了,导入...
windows端pycharm安装DevEco Testing Hypium的离线包时提示fail to load plugin...
针对您遇到的“fail to load plugin descriptor”错误,这个问题通常涉及到插件系统的配置或插件描述符文件本身的问题。以下是根据您提供的提示,分点回答的解决方案: 1. 确认插件描述符的位置和名称 位置:确保插件描述符文件(如plugin.xml或plugin-descriptor.json等,具体取决于使用的插件系统)位于插件目录中预期的位置...
idea2020 插件版本不兼容报 fail to load plugin descriptor idea安装显示不支持32位 近日,JetBrain 宣布旗下所有基于 IntelliJ 的 IDE 将停止支持 32 位操作系统,其中包括 AppCode、Clion、DataGrip、GoLand、IntelliJ IDEA、PhpStorm、PyCharm、Rider、RubyMine 和 WebStorm 等产品。
After dynamically installing a plugin and unstalling it, try to install the plugin again then throws ClassCastException 2024-05-22 16:10:37.191 [ERROR] [io.sermant.core.plugin.service.PluginServiceManager] [initPluginServices:59] [Attach Listener] Error occurs while starting plugin service: class...
Cangjie Plugin在Mac x86和arm系统下都无法安装,提示fail to load plugin descriptor,如图...
yuanlaile2楼•3 个月前
Plugins fail to load + Couldn't find main entry point for LightSweep.AEX 48::72 SirHansVader Explorer , Sep 17, 2021 Copy link to clipboard Last week Adobe Premiere suddendly didn't work anymore.. was suspecting a windows update. It said it coul...
After restarting IntelliJ, I can't see my plugin in Setttings->Plugins so I try to install it from disk but after choosing the .jar I get the error message: " Fail to load plugin descriptor from file *.jar " Any idea on how to address this problem?