1、按住开机按钮10秒关机,从主机移除电源适配器插头以及所有外接设备,长按住开机键30秒给机器放下静电,之后电源适配器插头平行对准笔记本供电接口插入到位。 再开机看到DELL微标时马上反复敲击F2进入BIOS,点击settings-general-system information,通过这步可以查看硬盘是否正确识别到。2、通过第一步骤如果...
SolidWorks 2013的dll文件可能损坏,因而启动的时候打不开这个文件,建议你重新替换一下这个文件,重新加载一下就可以了。还有要是不嫌麻烦就重装一下SolidWorks 2013。
Computer: ServerName Description: Content file download failed. Reason: The server does not support the necessary HTTP protocol. Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) requires that the server support the Range protocol header.Specifically, you experience this problem if...
UPDATE/3/LOAD_FAIL: Failed to load the signature database. (SyslogId=[syslog-id], Module=[module], Slot=[slot-id], CPU=[cpu-id], LoadVersion=[load-version], Duration (s)=[duration], Reason=[reason]) Description Failed to load the signature database. Parameters Parameter NameParameter...
context - The context to associate with this operation. Returns: the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.beginDeleteAsync public abstract PollerFlux,Void> beginDeleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String serverName, String failoverGroupName) Deletes a failover group. Parameters...
LOAD/4/DOWNLOADFAIL:Downloading the file failed.(File name=[STRING]). Description Failed to download the upgrade file. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning File name Upgrade file name. Possible Causes The network communication fails, or the storage space of the device is insufficient. Procedure...
Set the failoverPolicy property: Failover policy of the read-only endpoint for the failover group. Parameters: failoverPolicy - the failoverPolicy value to set. Returns: the FailoverGroupReadOnlyEndpoint object itself.Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest在...
After restarting IntelliJ, I can't see my plugin in Setttings->Plugins so I try to install it from disk but after choosing the .jar I get the error message: " Fail to load plugin descriptor from file *.jar " Any idea on how to address this problem?
フェールオーバーの IPsec LAN-to-LAN トンネルと、ユニット間のステート リンクを確立してすべてのフェールオーバー通信を暗号化するには、グローバル コンフィギュレーション モードで failover ipsec pre-shared-key コマンドを使用します。キーを削除するには、このコマンドの no ...