Hello Jeremiah, I have an error while trying to run SvABA, similar to the one Tiffany had but that does not seem to be linked. I have run the following command : svaba run -t sid_t_genome_hg38.bam -n sid_n_genome_hg38_20190127.bam -p 1 -...
Hello people, I am posting this question aiming to solve another error in ANGSD but related to samtools indexing. As my bam file can not be open by ANGSD, I did some exploration in samtools, what I found: santools view XXX.bam | head wor...
I am trying to run fq2bam on AWS with nextflow Container image used: nvcr.io/nvidia/clara/clara-parabricks-fq2bam:4.0.0-1 Command run: pbrun fq2bam –ref reference.fa –in-fq R1.fq.gz R2.fq.gz –out-bam out.bam I h…
In case you wondering what I was doing standing on citrus,Limeis a brand of dockless motorized scooter. You download an app and load it up with prepaid credit. When you want to take a ride, you either just find a scooter on the street or use the app to locate one. Scan the scooter...