在ios6上录制10分钟的视频后,用chooseVideo上传视频设置compressed:false,然后uploadFile显示处理中之后就报uploadFile:fail file path invalid - 预期表现 不压缩视频也能上传回答关注问题邀请回答 收藏 分享 2 个回答 黄思程 2019-04-10 这个跟我们临时存储空间大小有关,这一块已经在优化中,预计 5 月份版本带上。
上传文件文件大小是400M左右的时候出现了fail file path invalid的错误 请问一下官方到底有没有对uploadFile做大小的限制?如果有,限制了是多少呢? 代码片段 wx.chooseVideo({ sourceType: ['album'], maxDuration: 50, compressed: false, success(res) { console.log(res.tempFilePath) const tempFilePath = res...
-·File·is·not·inside·User·SFTP·dir: The file is not in the SFTP directory. -·File·name·is·null: The file name is empty. -·Get·complete·file·path·failed: Failed to obtain the complete file path. -·Path·length·is·more·than·max·path: The path length exceeds the ma...
This problem can also occur during the Dcpromo.exe process if the existing domain controller that is authenticating this process does not have file and printer sharing enabled on its network adapter. To resolve this issue, enable file and printer sharing on the existing domain controller until the...
The destination domain controller is configured to use an invalid DNS server. The source domain controller is configured to use an invalid DNS server. The DNS server that the source domain controller uses does not host the correct zones, or the zones are not configured to accept dynamic updates...
The specified local path or filename is invalid:指定的本地路径或文件名无效。 Failed to open file:打开文件失败。 Local file open permission is not available:无权限打开本地文件。 Local file not found or file is renamed:没有找到本地文件或文件名已更新。
Confirm that all cluster nodes can browse to the file share. The path of the file share is \\<fileservername>\<sharename>.Configure the IIS shared configuration on all cluster nodesOn one of the cluster nodes, export the shared configuration to the file share:Navigate...
Consider using a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path for the network and if the location is slow to write improving the latency by configuring Windows Distributed File System (DFS). Inventors Project file is incorrectly configured or corrupt. See ...
(combined from similar events): Error: container create failed: time="2021-04-11T21:03:07Z" level=error msg="container_linux.go:366: starting container process caused: exec: \"cluster-kube-scheduler-operator\": executable file not found in $PATH" Normal Pulled 4m10s (x4600 over 17h) ...
success:function(res) {//绘制图片ctx.drawImage(res.path, 100, 100, 200, 200);//绘制完成并将内容渲染到画布上ctx.draw(); }, fail:function(err) { console.error('图片加载失败', err); } }); } } 问题是由uni.getImageInfo抛出的,原因是你所引用的图片路径没有满足一下条件才无法被加载所以...