Second, given that the PA stipulates that GHGs must be submitted to the UNFCCC, we explicitly call for immediate attention to be drawn to the UNFCCC database and inventory compilation processes. Third, and more specifically, this is the first study to demonstrate strikingly high correlations not...
Updated to Kernel 6.5-rc5, and – as expected – vmmon still fails to compile: CC [M] /tmp/modconfig-s9HCQR/vmmon-only/bootstrap/vmmblob.o LD [M] /tmp/modconfig-s9HCQR/vmmon-only/vmmon.o MODPOST /tmp/modconfig-s9HCQR/vmmon-only/Module.symvers ERROR: modpost: “__pte_offset_map”...
使用VS2022打开项目解决方案fail2ban-win.sln,选择Release,通过生成->生成解决方案菜单完成编译。 将编译后的相关文件COPY到安装文件夹,例如:D:\fail2ban-win 并根据CPU架构将x86或x64目录下的文件也COPY至安装目录: 4.2.下载安装 从以下地址下载安装程序: ...