He's not sure where they came from, but on this particular night, those feelings turn out to be prescient—a young woman in a white dress is standing outside, and she introduces herself. She's Clarisse McLellan, a seventeen-year-old student, and she and her family have just moved into...
What connections are there between Ray Bradbury's stories There Will Come Soft Rains and The Veldt? In Fahrenheit 451, what is Montag's plan to escape? In Fahrenheit 451, what details does Bradbury give to establish the setting of Montag's encounter with Clarisse?
21. What technology does Mildred use to go to sleep? Seashells. 22. Who is Mildred's "family"? The characters in the TV. 23. What has happened to Clarisse? How did it happen? Clarisse was hit by a car and killed. 24. What is unusual about the way Mildred told Montag about ...
28.WhatdidMontagtakefromtheoldwoman'shouse? 29.WhatquestiondoesMontagaskMildred?Doesheknowtheanswer? 30.WhoareMildred'sandMontag's"relatives"? 31.WhatdoesMildred"think"happenedtoClarisse? 32.WhydoesMontagkeepthinkingabouttheoldwomanwhodiedforherbooks? 33.WhydoesBeattycometoMontag'shouse?Whatdoeshetell...
Fahrenheit 451: Ray Bradbury's novelFahrenheit 451examines what would happen if the government was given total control over maintaining its citizens' peace of mind. The government bans all books since they could be used to spread potentially dangerous or emotionally upsetting ideas. Sedatives are re...
also a traditional symbol of the home, represents Montag’s home life, his relationship with Mildred, the parlor, and Clarisse. At the start of Fahrenheit 451 the hearth, or fireplace, is know for giving warmth and goodness. In the beginning of the novel, fire is described as positive and...
Clarisse McClellan Professor Faber Mildred Montag Granger The Mechanical Hound Character Map Ray Bradbury Biography Critical Essays Dystopian Fiction and Fahrenheit 451 The Issue of Censorship and Fahrenheit 451 Comparison of the Book and Film Versions of Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury's Fi...
Fahrenheit451isadystopiannovel.Thistypeofnovelshowsanimperfectworldintheprocessof becomingworse. CENTRALCHARACTERS GuyMontag:Theprotagonist,acomplacentmanthirtyyearsold.Hehasbeenafiremanfortenyears. MildredMontag:Guy’swife,alsothirtyyearsold. ClarisseMcClellan:Montag’snewneighbor,sixteenyearsold. CaptainBeatty:...