Fagor Professional has the best Kore 900 Commercial Fryers for your business at your disposal. Choose the professional fryer that best suits your needs
Kore 900系列直接加热式商用燃气汤锅是用于大量烹调的设备,可烹制炖品、汤类等,通过调节功率大小来控制加热过程。 01 优质安全 法格汤锅的台面和同系列其它产品一样,都是采用2mm厚AISI-304不锈钢制造。 锅体是应用机器人焊接技术与台面形成一体,均采用AISI-304不锈钢制造。锅底用AISI-316L不锈钢制造。
KORE 900系列是专门为大中型餐厅等需要大量工作空间、大功率、高效率的场所设计。 前往KORE 900 KORE 700模块式炉具 小空间,大用途 KORE 700系列是专门为中小型餐厅等同样需要持久耐用、可靠性和大功率厨房的场所设计。 即将推出 设计坚固 清洁如新 坚固耐用,性能可靠,可满足专业厨房的高强度使用要求,质量与性能始终...
Fagor Professional has Kore 900 commercial electric solid tops at your disposal. Choose the electric cooker that best suits the needs of your business
Kore 900系列商用全加热板式燃气灶利用一个大功率中央炉头,在同一块炉板上制造出不同温度区。这样的特殊设计允许同时进行大火、小火、煎炒和保温等操作。 01 耐火砖 内部耐火砖设计,可优化热能利用和分布。 02 温度差异明显 炉板表面不同区域之间的温度差(中心500 °C,边缘区200 °C)使得可以同时进行大火、小...
Fagor Professional has commercial stands for commercial kitchens from the Kore 900 range at your disposal. Choose the commercial stand for professional kitchens that best suits your needs
Fagor Professional has Kore 900 commercial electric cookers at your disposal. Choose the electric cooker that best suits the needs of your business
Fagor Professional has neutral elements for commercial kitchens from the Kore 900 range at your disposal. Choose the neutral element for professional kitchens that best suits your needs
Fagor Professional has accessories for commercial kitchens from the Kore 900 range at your disposal. Choose the accessories for professional kitchens that best suit your needs
Fagor Professional has the best chip scuttles for your business at your disposal. Choose the professional chip scuttle from the Kore 900 range that best suits your needs