关键词:FAGL_FCV、外币评估、集团货币金额为0、多次运行外币评估 业务背景:日常记账使用三种货币类型,00-凭证货币、10-公司代码货币、30-集团货币,月末需要对公司代码货币金额和集团货币金额进行外币评估。 因为货币换算配置是以凭证货币为基础换算集团货币,所以需要分别对公司代码货币金额和集团货币金额运行外币评估。若货...
2、BSEG表里面不更新外币评估的会计凭证。 处理方式 根据NOTE 2379901 - FAGL_FCV: Creation of BSEG entries 由技术处理: 此处该note是针对100及101版本的,对于102版本S4 1709,直接按照红框去实施该badi及增强即可,不需实施该note。 处理结果 其他参考 必应搜索 https://answers.sap.com/questions/175242/substitu...
2、BSEG表里面不更新外币评估的会计凭证。 处理方式 根据NOTE 2379901 - FAGL_FCV: Creation of BSEG entries 由技术处理: 此处该note是针对100及101版本的,对于102版本S4 1709,直接按照红框去实施该badi及增强即可,不需实施该note。 处理结果 其他参考 必应搜索 https://answers.sap.com/questions/175242/substitu...
FAGL_FCV tcode in SAP FI (General Ledger Accounting in FI) module. This transaction code is used for Foreign Currency Valuation. See the usage and other technical details FAGL_FCV transaction. etc.
GUI事务码:FAGL_FCV 功能描述:Perform Foreign Currency Valuation OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:General Ledger Accountant; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive ...
FAGL_FCV_ADMIN is a SAP standard transp table used for storing Foreign Currency Valuation: ID Numbers of Valuation Runs related data in SAP. It comes under the package FAGL_CLOSING_ACTIVITIES.Table FAGL_FCV_ADMIN technical data Table FAGL_FCV_ADMIN Data storing Foreign Currency Valuation: ID ...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hello All, Could anyone please help me on the advantages of using FAGL_FCV instead of using FAGL_FC_VAL. Note: Currently we are in ECC6 with New GL. Right now we are using FAGL_FC_VAL for month end FCR purpose but recently we are come across iss...
Hello SAP gurus, I have a problem with transaction FAGL_FCV in S/4Hana 2020. The system show the following error message: FR 670 for accounts determination... but the
SAP S/4HANA Finance SAP S/4HANA Product SAP S/4HANA Finance all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions Keywords Simulation run, FAGL_FCV, foreign currency valuation run, update mode, FAGL_BSBW_HISTSM, FAGL_BSBW_HST_BL, valuation area, delete simulation run, history table, , KBA , FI-...