We currently have positions available at all levels, from Lecturer to Full Professor, for the following programmes: Civil Engineering / Mining Engineering: Emerging and disruptive construction technologies / High-performance construction materials with reduced embodied carbon / Tunnel engineering with ...
Job Post Date: 30th January 2024VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering... Colleges Guru Nanak Institutions Hyderabad, Wanted Deans / Assistant Professors DuraimaniTuesday, January 30, 2024Comment Guru Nanak Institutions, Hyderabad has advertised for the recruitment of Deans... 15 November...
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Search the latest faculty positions at colleges and universities. Now listing 43,161 faculty positions and 82,908 jobs overall. Updated daily. Free to job seekers.
and engineering sciences at the nexus of energy, environment, and sustainable development. Undergraduate and graduate degrees are offered in civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. Classes and student activities are conducted in English. Stu...
LINGNAN-60 GLOBAL TALENT RECRUITMENT Lingnan University Faculty Positions in Fintech, Financial Engineering, AI, Machine Learning, statistics, and Data Science The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Doctoral Fellowships in Economics or Business NMBU 1 2 3 4 5 6 Terms...
Multiple Tenure Track Faculty Positions, Georgia Institute of Technology - School of Civil and Environmental EngineeringOnepage statementChronicle of Higher Education
Multiple faculty positions are available in the following areas: College of Sciences:Mathematics, Optics, Optical Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Marine Science. College of Engineering:Civil & Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Information Engineering, Computer Science and Technology,...
For over two decades, faculty participants in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) Teaching Workshop (ETW) have learned the core principles of effective teaching and put these principles into practice during the workshop. Workshop staff an...
Provides results (in table format) of a 1982 survey, focusing on engineering faculty positions (filled and unfilled), engineering faculty characteristics (age, discipline, age/discipline), graduate student characteristics, salaries, faculty recruitment, and industry/school faculty mobility. Includes the ...