匿名用户同hku大一,2022届BEng,据说cs的gpa要求最高,civil其次,然后ce,剩下基本报了就ok,cs要3.5+,具体我也不确定 发布于 2023-01-05 13:34・IP 属地中国香港 AI 总结 港大本科工程学院(faculty of engineering 6963),大二选专业什么规则? 已引用 8 位答主的内容 查看AI 回答 1 网红张全蛋谈现状「...
背景偏好 You preferably have a Master degree and background in Applied Economics, Business (or Civil) Engineering, Management, Economics, Sociology, Work and Organizational Psychology or in the broad domain of socio-economic sciences. You had excellent results in these prior studies (‘honors’-leve...