Examples of facts and opinions are: Fact: Dogs have fur. The Beatles were a band. The last day of school is May 22nd. Opinion Dog fur is pretty. The Beatles sang great songs. May 22nd is the best day of the year. In reading passages, the difference between fact and ...
facts-or-opinions(观点与事实)Strategies for Reading Fact and Opinion Every man has a right to be wrong in his opinions.But no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. ---Baruch, Bernard M 1870-1965 American Financier We will discuss – the difference between facts and opinions. ...
,lets look at some examples.,statements reporting other peoples opinions are facts: “the head teacher said our students are very polite and respectful.”,the opinion itself is not a fact, but the statement reporting what someone says or believes is 12、a fact.,opinion,statements by the ...
An opinion is a statement which someone believes to be true, a point of view. However, the major difference between a fact and an opinion is that an opinion cannot be verified or proven. * Here are some examples of opinions: “We played a great game against Rancho High School.” ...
Information recall- remember what you learned about examples of a fact Additional Learning In order to learn more, use the lesson called Difference Between Fact & Opinion: Lesson for Kids. Use this lesson to: See what makes a fact Look at examples of an opinion ...
DifferentiatingbetweenFactandOpinion 1.Noteverythinginprintistrue. 1.Manypeoplemisreadwhatisfactual becausetheydonot: distinguishbetweenfactandopinion. makeinferences. pickupontheauthor’sbiasortone. orusetheirownpriorknowledge. •Afactisastatementthatistrue. ...
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believe the moon is made of cheese. Everything else at this stage is simply guessing or giving opinion. However, unless we find evidence for every statement that is ever made, we have to take certain statements as factual. This is why skill is required in distinguishing fact from opinion....
The italicized sentences are examples of opinions showing someone’s view of a particular issue. They also include helpful phrases such as “I think” and “I strongly believe.” On the other hand, the underlined sentence shows an opinion that is based on data that is not entirely factual. ...
The control group received an explanation of the distinctions between environmental facts and opinions, whereas the experimental group received the explanation as well as specific examples. Both groups completed questionnaires comprising 10 statements of fact or opinion. The experimental group scored ...