Facts about temperate rainforest - Information about where these forests are, what types of animals live there, what types of plants grow there, the different layers of the forest, and how these forests differ from tropical rainforests.
Officially, the oldest living coast redwood is at least 2,200 years old, but foresters believe some coast redwoods may be much older. You can meet up with old-growth redwoods at Big Basin Redwoods State Park on trails such as theRedwood Trail, theBerry Creek Falls loopand the Sunset-Timms...
Learn about conifers and coniferous forests. Discover how conifers reproduce using cones, the layers of a coniferous forest, and the different...
Rainforests are the oldest living ecosystems on Earth composed of dense forests and tall trees usually located near the equator. Click for Rainforests facts and worksheets in PDF format!
The temperature and overall climate of a coniferous forest would vary depending on where it is located. The boreal forests remain cold all year with long winters, while the temperate forests see much milder climates. Though the winters are milder, the temperatures in these forests are less variab...
The letter went on to describe how Earth First!ers have begun harassing “an ecoterrorist in our eyes” whose job it is to remove tree sitters safely from their perch: In recent months, activists haven’t waited for Climber Eric to show up in the forest. They have visited his home, bus...
1.California is the most populous state of the USA and the country's third largest. The state on the West Coast of the United States is about a quarter of the size of the country's largest state Alaska. California is roughly the same size as Germany or slightly larger than Japan. ...
A Texas native, Kim now lives in a California redwood forest. With contributions from Jessie SzalayLive Science Contributor More about health Is there really a difference between male and female brains? Emerging science is revealing the answer. 'Let's just study males and keep it simple': ...
In honor of Star Wars Day on May 4, we’d like to add one more story into the mix. Here are some fascinating facts about the Star Wars universe, any one of which makes a perfect response the next time someone says “May the 4th be with you.” ...
The tallest known tree on Earth is a redwood tree in a California forest. Nicknamed “Hyperion,” it is about twice as tall as the statue of liberty, at 380 feet high.[4] Earth’s rapid rotation coupled with its nickel-iron core creates a powerful magnetic field. The field protects the...