FactsandOpinions.ppt DistinguishingBetweenFactsandOpinions BOOK3 Unit2 Itisveryimportanttotellfactsfromthewriter’sopinionsduringthecourseofreading.Thenwhatarefacts?Andopinions?facts—whatreallyhappened;objective(客观的)opinions—ideas,feelings,judgementsorbeliefthatyougetfromfacts;subjective(主观的)BOOK3 Unit2 B...
Unit2 Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions It is very important to tell facts from the writer’s opinions during the course of reading. Then what are facts? And opinions? facts — what really happened; objective (客观的) opinions — ideas, feelings, judgements or belief that you get ...
内容提示: Facts and opinions--What is a Fact? --What is an Opinion?--Use f acts to support opinions. 文档格式:PPT | 页数:17 | 浏览次数:104 | 上传日期:2013-08-28 08:44:53 | 文档星级: Facts and opinions--What is a Fact? --What is an Opinion?--Use f acts to support ...
factsopinions议论文unlucky写作quzhou 1 Factsandopinions --WhatisaFact? --WhatisanOpinion? --Usefactstosupportopinions. 2 ReadthefollowingsentencesandWriteF ifitisafactorOifitisanopinion. AFactorAnOpinion? 1.It’ssnowingoutside.() 2.It’saniceday.() F O 3 Forsentence1,youcouldlook outsideandact...
1、Facts and opinions,-What is a Fact? -What is an Opinion? -Use facts to support opinions.,Read the following sentences and Write F if it is a fact or O if it is an opinion.,A Fact or An Opinion?,1. Its snowing outside. ( ) 2. Its a nice day. ( ),F,O,For sentence ...
* The particular reading skill introduced for this unit is recognizing differences between facts and opinions. The ability to recognize differences between fact and opinion is important because it can help us to achieve a deeper level of understanding in our reading. Facts are statements that tell ...
--Usefactstosupportopinions. 1学习交流PPT ReadthefollowingsentencesandWriteF ifitisafactorOifitisanopinion. AFactorAnOpinion? 1.It’ssnowingoutside.() 2.It’saniceday.() F O 2学习交流PPT Forsentence1,youcould lookoutsideandactuallyseefor ...
通用求职简历,求职简历模板,应届生求职简历模板,销售工作总结,年终工作总结模板,简约工作总结,个人述职报告PPT,Facts and Opinions,facts-or-opinions(观点与事实),Facts and opinions,facts_or_opinions(观点与事实),facts or opinions(观点与事实),critical thinking and factsVS opinions,写作:facts_and_opinions(议...
factsoropinions观点与事实课件 Everymanhasarighttobewronginhisopinions.Butnomanhasarighttobewronginhisfacts.---Baruch,BernardM1870-1965AmericanFinancier Everymanhasarighttobewr Wewilldiscuss–thedifferencebetweenfactsandopinions.strategiestodistinguishfactsfromopinions.howtocheckfactualstatements.cluewordsforopinion...
1、Strategies for Reading Fact and OpinionStrategies for Reading Every man has a right to be wrong in his opinions. But no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. -Baruch, Bernard M 1870-1965 American FinancierEvery man has a right to be wrWe will discuss the difference between ...