According to the CDC, intimate partner violence victims lose a total of nearly 8.0 million days of paid work a year””the equivalent of more than 32,000 full-time jobs””and nearly 5.6 million days of household productivity as a result of the violence. The cost of domest...
domestic violence and abuseservices for women with disabilitiesIn many areas of regulation, mandating disclosure of information about a firm's products, services, production processes, or governance is said to improve the efficiency and rationality of market decisions, avoid fraud, and advance pub-lic...
Whatever your point of entry, you have questions about transgender people. Chances are you don't have a lot of experience here. So let's walk through some of the questions you want to ask, but don't know who to ask.
We provide resources to workers curious about their rights when a union comes to organize their workplace or about how to get rid of a union that no longer serves their needs. We additionally keep a watchful eye on union activities, especially their political activities and efforts to suppress...
These duels foster social contempt—even in the workplace—and they warp the electorate. And finally, the remedies that have been proposed don't seem to holster many weapons; in fact, they add bullets to the chamber in some cases. Marietta and Barker's pessimistic conclusions will challenge ...
A 2007 poll found that 1/3 of workers, or 54 million Americans, reported workplace bullying.o[16] Teen girls face more online harassment than almost any other group Only 1 in 10 victims of cyberbullying tell a parent. Fewer than 1 in 5 cyberbullying incidents are reported to the police...
If an employer disregards the concerns of employees, that could lead to a number of important and sometimes expensive problems. Besides turnover, workplace violence is also a risk to the business if employees become disgruntled. Employees who feel slighted by managers may also compromise the secu...
Over the past few years, women in South Korea have been taking on more active roles in both society and the workplace. This ongoing progress has resulted in an increase in the labor force participation rate for women and a rise in the gender pay gap. Additionally, South Korean women are ...
While a lot of progress has been made and research has been done about LGBTQ+ people, the issues they face, movements, and rights, there’s still a long way to go. All of the above areas need further study, investigation, and work to make the world a better place for LGBTQ+ people,...
Memphis Gun Violence: One Killed, Two Hospitalized in Whitehaven (Video) October 22, 2024 Man Kills Coworker Over Breaks: Shocking Workplace Tragedy (Video) October 22, 2024 Man Shot Dead While Waiting for Food at Fort Worth Restaurant... ...