Savannas and grasslands are more biodiverse than you might think — and we’re not doing enough to conserve them Why is Brazil regressing in its fight against deforestation? Don’t Get Burned by Misinformation about Dead Trees and Wildfire Indonesia’s Mangroves One of the World’s Best Solution...
Are there any cultural or folklore tales associated with these animals? Many cultures have folklore or myths associated with animals, regardless of their appearance. For instance, the Aye-Aye in Madagascar is often considered a harbinger of bad luck in local folklore. ...
We’ve talked about the Great Fire and the Great Plague but the Great Stink? Surely we’re pulling your leg. Let us assure you, we are not. London was always a smelly and unsanitary city but it got so bad in 1858, a.k.a during The Great Stink, that the city passed laws to stop...
In Ambrose Bierce’s 1909 book Write It Right, he wrote the following on using the term “pants” for trousers: “Abbreviated from pantaloons, which are no longer worn. Vulgar exceedingly.” Palindromes are the most difficult kind of phrase to form. According to language experts, the hardest...
1)Koalas are found in the eucalyptus forests of easternAustralia. They have grey fur with a cream-coloured chest, and strong, clawed feet, perfect for living in the branches of trees! 2)Cuddly critters, koalas measure about60cmto85cmlong, and weigh about14kg. ...
These magical creatures are commonly seen alone or in pairs. They are shyer than other dolphins and don’t make themselves visible to humans often. One interesting fact about them? Like some other animals, the males have been seen carrying brush or sticks in their mouths, and it’s assumed...
They are able to take down prey that is much larger than they are. Some of the different species have also been known to attack and kill humans. That has lead to them getting a bad reputation in the eye of the public. That fear has led to many of them being killed. Various felines...
Elephant people want to be respected like everyone else which is why we work together to make this a noble and honorable profession that requires skill and expertise to be successful. Every profession has their good and bad. We should all be striving to be the best we can and compassion ...
up to approx. 900 feet away. However, they are known to have poor night vision. That’s why, they prefer to hunt during the day. They can see a moving object more clearly than a stationary one. This trait helps them in catching a prey. They see colors clearly, but not in bad ...
Here are interesting facts about why and how we celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.S. to entertain your family at the holiday table.