according toDiscovery. They grow to be about 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6.1 meters) or more and can weigh more than 5,000 lbs. (2,268 kilograms). Whale sharks are not predatory.
Whale sharks, and otherelasmobranchssuch as skates and rays, are cartilaginous fish. Instead of having a skeleton made of bone, they have a skeleton made of cartilage, a tough, flexible tissue. Since cartilage doesn't preserve as well as bone, much of what we know about early sharks comes ...
Whale sharks have a beautiful coloration pattern on their back and sides. This is formed of light spots and stripes over a dark gray, blue or brown background. Scientists use these spots to identify individual sharks, which helps them learn more about the species as a whole. The underside o...
She is lovingly referred to in the area as the Whale Shark Whisperer! Whale sharks are also called gentle giants Polly, shares 15 interesting facts about Whale sharks with you It is not a whale, it is the worlds largest fish, growing to over 40ft They can weigh over 30 metric tons (66...
Whale sharks are literally one of the great fishes of the world’s oceans. They may have a lot in common with whales – their massive size and docile nature have earned them the nickname “gentle giants” – but they are in fact sharks. With their distin
QUICK FACTS ABOUT ORCAS How big they are: Up to 32 feet (9.8 meters) long How long they live: Up to 100 years, but usually around 25 to 50 years What they eat: Fish, seals, seabirds, squid, sharks, and even whales Orcas are often called killer whales, even though they almost never...
8. Not all sharks are big There are some truly small species, which have a length up to 20 centimeters. The smallest shark is the Dwarf Lantern Shark which is only about 8 inches long. The largest shark is the Whale Shark which has a length close to 35 feet. TheWhale Sharkis also ...
What is an interesting fact about Whale Sharks? Whale Sharks are the largest species of fish in the world! What is the scientific name for the Whale Shark? The scientific name for the Whale Shark is Rhincodon Typus. What is the lifespan of a Whale Shark? Whale Sharks can live for 60 ...
The conservation efforts for this species are still incipients although some countries are already protecting them, for example, countries, like the Philippines, and Australia, regulate the activities related to whale sharks. Their capture is banned in that Asian country, and the Australian Department...
Whale shark facts – learn about the biggest fish in the world! Find out where whale sharks live, how big they are, what they eat, their conservation status, and much more. Be sure to watch the video of a trapped whale shark being rescued by divers. ...