Giant tube worms are marine invertebrates that belong to the family of polychaete annelid worms. These unusual creatures were discovered in 1977. Since that time, more than 300 new species of giant tube worms were identified. Giant tube worms can survive
Flatworms are among the simplestinvertebrate animalson earth, lacking well-defined circulatory and respiratory organs and eating and pooping via the same body opening. But all bets are off during mating season: the hermaphroditic critters, which possess male and female sex organs, sprout pairs of d...
Unexpected Discovery in Marine Research, Scientists were stunned when long-lost species of ocean worms made an unexpected appearance in underwater photographs capturing tiny seahorses. These Travel FAA Suspends U.S.-Haiti Flights After Spirit Airlines Gunfire Incident ...
How many babies do Glow Worms have? The average number of babies a Glow Worm has is 75. What is an interesting fact about Glow Worms? Glow Worms are found to inhabit dense woodland and caves! How many species of Glow Worm are there? There are 12 species of Glow Worm. What is a glo...
Worms eat food through their lips or the opening to the worm's mouth. Worms do not have teeth, but they can grind down their food with the help of the grittiness of the soil. Once the food enters the mouth, it then travels down the esophagus or digestive tube and enters the crop. ...
Imagine living out your days with half your body in a pot of boiling water. That’s essentially the lifestyle of the Pompeii worm (Alvinella pompejana). These tubeworms live at hydrothermal vents deep on the ocean floor, where their tails rest in hot water at temperatures of over 140 degre...
Earthworms produce a slime tube and use the tubercula pubertatis to grip each other during sexual reproduction (located on the saddle). The slime tube creates the ideal environment for the worms to exchange sperm, with each earthworm storing its partner’s sperm for later use. A mucus sheath...
Crickets don’t like extreme colds or heats. They prefer a regular temperature of about 86 degrees. Clean their home every few days. Always remove any dead crickets. Make sure the food doesn’t have any mold on it. The sad part is, a cricket’s life is very short, whether they are ...
While they are located in the deep sea, hydrothermal vents provide a unique, mineral-rich habitat for hundreds of species, including bacteria-like organisms called archaea that turn chemicals from the vents into energy using a process called chemosynthesis, and other animals such as tubeworms, clam...
Usually, it is not the crops and plants they are consuming, but rather the worms and insects near those crops. The plants are mere casualties of the mole’s intense foraging behavior. Reproduction, Babies, and Lifespan Most of the species have a single breeding season that lasts throughout ...