Described in 1968 by futurist Alan Kay, Dynabook was a concept of a personal computer intended for education. The first sketch from 1972 and the following mock-ups of Dynabook very much resemble e-readers with physical keyboards – Sony LIBRIé or the 1st-generation Kindle. Alan Kay believed ...
On May 2, 1968, a 12-man Special Forces patrol was surrounded by an NVA infantry battalion of about 1,000 men. Roy Benavidez heard the radio appeal for help and boarded a helicopter to respond. Armed only with a knife, he jumped from the helicopter carrying his medical bag and ran to...
In addition to traditional celebrations and activities, there are some interesting facts about the Chinese New Year that people rarely know.
You call it the 1988 Monsters of Rock tour, featuring Van Halen, Scorpions,Dokken, Metallica andKingdom"We've Never Heard of Led Zeppelin"Come. For 28 shows in 23 cities between Memorial Day and July 30 that year, the festival stomped on all who dared part with the $25 it cost to e...
September 24, 1944, will forever be a pivotal date in Johnson & Johnson’s milestone-packed, over 130-year history: It was the day it launched its initial public offering, making Johnson & Johnson a publicly traded company. The decision to list the company on the New York Stock Exchange ...
The Chinese calendar is about one month behind our (so called Gregorian) calendar as it has between 30 and 50 more days per year. And the Chinese zodiac calendar has a cycle of 12 years. The calendar was started on astronomical observations of the moon's phases. ...
Kilauea is one of the world’s most active volcanoes. It is a shield-type volcano that makes up the southeastern side of the Big Island of Hawaii. The volcano rises 4,190 feet (1,227 meters) above sea level and is about 14 percent of the land area of the Big Island. The summit ca...
Versatile, pliable, durable, cheap to produce—and ubiquitous. Plastic is all of that. It is also both a life-saving miracle product and the scourge of the Earth. Here are eight essential facts to keep in mind.
The actress with the most Oscars is American Katharine Hepburn who won a record four Best Actress Oscars for "On Golden Pond" (1982), "The Lion In Winter" (1969), "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" (1968) and "Morning Glory" (1934). ...
There are few industries in the United Kingdom with as long and complex a history as gambling. While informal gambling has presumably been around for thousands of years, one of the earliest instances of regulated gambling came in the 16th century, when Elizabeth I organized a state lottery as...