When the Vikings stormed Lindisfarne Monastery in 793, the Anglo-Saxons’ history became intertwined with the Vikings’. They were similar in many ways, including language, religious belief, and Northern European ancestry, but they were not the same. The fact that they infiltrated Britain at vary...
The first of these silver coins were produced as 'danegeld' and used to buy off the dreaded Vikings as the Norsemen entered their golden era of invading and sacking the coast of Britain.3 THE international prestige of 'pounds' in mediaeval times became so great that enormous care was taken...
The era of great conquests had ended, and, on the face of it, Louis’s principal preoccupation was his relationship with the peoples to the north. In the hope of averting the threat posed by the Vikings, who had begun to raid the coasts of the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, Louis...
the 11th century the inhabitants of Angus defeated an invasion of Vikings. During the 12th century colonies of Flemings established wool and linen industries in Angus, and the county consequently enjoyed aprosperitythat survived the Scottish Wars of Independence in the early 14th century. The county...
much of Louis’s reign was taken up with campaigns against neighboring Slavs. Although he faced attacks by the Slavs andVikingsand the challenge of powerful aristocratic families, Louis maintained stability and royal authority over thearistocracyas a result of his external focus. By 870 Louis’s ...