The turkey vulture(Cathartes aura)is the most common of the cathartid species. It is thought to occur from Canadian border all the way to the southern tip of South America. Except for the subspeciesC. aura auraturkey vulturesare non-migratory. They belong to the true vultures of the New W...
The turkey vulture’swingsextend about 1.8 metres (6 feet) across, from wing tip to wing tip, and its body length is about 75 cm (30 inches). It has anelaborateolfactory canal and uses its keen sense ofsmellin findingfood. Breeding females may produce one to threeeggs, which are white...
Vulture, any of 22 species of large carrion-eating birds that live predominantly in the tropics and subtropics, classified in the families Accipitridae (Old World vultures) and Cathartidae (New World vultures) in the order Accipitriformes. There are 7 sp
It has a wingspan of155 to 170 cmwith female adults on average slightly larger than the males. The wingspan of an Egyptian vulture is about 2.7 times the length of its body. The female Egyptian vulture is on average 10-15% heavier than males at2,1 kg. The migratory birds from Spain ...
Sheep: The domesticated mammals are descendants to the mouflons from central and southwestern Asia. These ancestors still can be found in Iran, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Today, China is the country with the largest domesticated sheep population in the world. ...
The New World vulture family includes the two species ofcondorand other vultures found in the Americas, including theking vulture(Sarcoramphus papa) and theturkey vulture(Cathartes aura). They are scavengers that feed mainly on carrion.
Animals found in the Mojave Desert include: thedesert tortoise, Mojave rattlesnake, common chuckwalla (a large lizard),bighorn sheep,gray fox, black-tailed jackrabbit, greater roadrunner, Gambel's quail, turkey vulture and golden eagle. Back to page index ...
This magnificent mountainous region comprises Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Slovenia and parts of Turkey and Greece. Related Reading:Croatia Hiking Tour: Split to Dubrovnik 2 Where are the Balkan Mountains?
The body weight averages about a pound with a body length from 15’’ to 21’ and a wingspan up to 36”. Flight speed is about 30 mph with short bursts attaining 60 mph. Their eyesight is similar to that of a wild turkey, just make a move and see what happens. Their hearing is...
Chicken breed called turkens is not a chicken and turkey cross. That is a myth. Waste made by a chicken in its lifetime can make enough electricity to run a 100 watt bulb for five hours! The fear of chickens is called Alektorophobia. ...