Current government officials Languages:Samoan, English Ethnicity/race:Samoan 92.6%, Euronesians 7% (persons of European and Polynesian blood), Europeans 0.4% Religion:Congregationalist 31.8%, Roman Catholic 19.4%, Methodist 13.7%, Latter-Day Saints 15.2%, Assembly of God 8%, Seventh-Day Adventist...
Christchurch: The largest city on South Island offers many great family attractions, too. Among them is the Antarctic Centre where you learn about the Antarctic explorers and can experience a simulated Antarctic cruise in a 4D theatre. Another interesting day out is a visit toQuake Cityin the ...
Samoa, formerly Western Samoa, is in the South Pacific Ocean about 2,200 mi (3,540 km) south of Hawaii. The larger islands in the Samoan chain, Upolu and Savai'i, are mountainous and of volcanic origin. There is little level land except in the coastal areas, where most cultivation take...
comprises the largest ethnic group, but the country also has growing communities of Pacific Islanders, Asians, and others. Over recent decades, immigration has contributed to the increasing ethnic diversity of New Zealand, with significant Chinese, Indian, and Samoan communities, particularly in major...
West Polynesia comprises of Tonga, Niue, Samoa, eastern parts of Fiji, the Lau Islands, and extends to the atolls of Tuvalu to the north. The pattern of settlements in West Polynesia is believed to occur when Polynesians spread out from the Samoan Islands into the Tuvalu atolls. In contrast...
Samoan: Lau tae‘oti, lau tae‘oti, tae‘oti, A’Amia Spanish: Chuva, hierba de dolor, huarmi, hierba de chucho, hierbe de perro, barba de chivo; catinga de bode; hierba del perro; hierba del zorro; hierbe de chivo SouthAfrica: Bokkruid, indringer-ageratum, invading ageratum ...
all of which areinhabited, and the uninhabited islands of Fanuatapu, Namu‘a, Nu‘utele, Nu‘ulua, and Nu‘usafee. (The six Samoan islands east of the meridian are part of American Samoa.) The total land area is smaller than theU.S. stateof Rhode Island but about 2.5 times larger...
TheTuvaluans are Polynesian, and their language,Tuvaluan, is closely related to Samoan.Nui, however, was heavily settled in prehistoric times by Micronesians from theGilbert Islands(now Kiribati). English is taught in the schools and widely used. Thevastmajority of the population belongs to the...
American Samoa, unincorporated territory of theUnited Statesconsisting of the eastern part of the Samoanarchipelago, located in the south-centralPacific Ocean. It lies about 1,600 miles (2,600 km) northeast ofNew Zealandand 2,200 miles (3,500 km) southwest of theU.S. stateofHawaii. ...
leaving the city to a population that, viewed statistically, tends to be older and to have fewer married people. Now more than one of every two San Franciscans is “nonwhite”—in this case African American, East Asian, Filipino, Samoan, Vietnamese, Latin American, orNative American. Their...