Of course, I have to touch on the film's monumental success. "Titanic" didn't just break box office records; it shattered them like an iceberg through the bow. Yet, there's a hilarious irony: many thought investing over $200 million was like throwing money into the Atlantic. How wrong...
Top 10 Facts Top 10 Facts About Electricity! Go → Top 10 Facts Top 10 Facts about the Titanic! Go → More on Fun Kids Win Win Watersports Park tickets! Enter competition → Aquanauts Water Journey: Where water comes from Go → Top 10 Facts Top 10 Facts About The Roden Centre ...
Fascinating, lesser-known facts about theTitanicand details on the ship, the passengers, and the sinking. The book also explores aspects of the wreck today and salvage operations. Although the main events of theTitanicdisaster are well known, significant facts and tidbits remain obscure. Who were...
DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. While the movie was directed around the real-life sinking of Titanic, it was a romantic drama that showed the reality of love and loss. However, if you’re someone who was piqued by the ship in itself then these facts about Titanic are THE thing for you to ...
325 2016-04 2 Top 5 Facts about the Titanic 672 2016-04 3 Top 10 Multi-Part Sitcom Episodes 413 2016-04 4 黄金配角成奎安的经典电影时代14 402 2016-04 5 Clarke Griffin | Shattered [+3x11] 289 2016-04 6 功夫版混剪鬼畜MV 465
It cost $7.5 million to build the Titanic. It was the most luxurious ocean liner of its time. The price of a first class ticket cost each passenger $4,700 which was a HUGE amount of money for the time. It would be about $57,000 today. As the Titanic was leaving the port, the ...
Here are our favorite facts about the movie Titanic: Titanic Facts 1. Whoops... When Jack is preparing to draw Rose, he says to her, "Over on the bed...the couch." The line was scripted "Lie on that couch," but Leonardo DiCaprio made an honest mistake and James Cameron liked it ...
In 2020, researchers filmed a dumbo octopus 4.3 miles (6.9 kilometers) beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean — nearly twice as deep as the wreck of the Titanic. What do octopuses eat? Octopuses are carnivores, so they eat meat. Their diet includes fish, clams, shrimp, crabs and even...
20 Little Known Facts About the Titanic Top 10 Most Creepiest Abandoned Places in the World 26 Interesting Facts About Henry Ford List of 15 Tough Ancient Warriors Through History List of 15 Notorious Roman Emperors and Empresses Top 15 Worst Pandemics in History ...
height of irony. The brain is the control center that processes pain, telling us when something is wrong or when we need to pay closer attention to a particular part of the body. Yet the brain itself is not capable of feeling pain because it hasno pain receptors. What about headaches, ...