Facts about the Planets Mercury’s craters are named after famous artists, musicians and authors. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Earth’s atmosphere protects us from meteoroids and radiation from the Sun. There have been more missions to Mars than any other planet. Jupiter...
Facts about Venus Venus does not have any moons or rings. Venus is nearly as big as the Earth with a diameter of 12,104 km. Venus is thought to be made up of a central iron core, rocky mantle and silicate crust. A day on the surface of Venus (solar day) would appear to take 11...
Venus has acid rain that evaporates before it reaches the ground. But on Uranus, it rains diamonds. Solid diamonds. Using the brightest source of X-rays on the planet, scientists finally have what they consider to be solid proof of this long-held scientific claim. Published in Nature ...
The planet Venus is the second planet from the sun in the solar system. Learn how Venus got its name, the distance of the planet from Earth, the length of a day, and other interesting facts about the planet. The Planet Venus Put on your space suit and jump into the space shuttle ...
Venus is one of the weirdest planets in the solar system. We explore the scorching planet in more detail with 20 interesting facts about Venus.
Shocking facts, sensational discoveries, inventions, research that can change the world and ideas about human capabilities!
But once astronomers looked at it seriously in the past half-century or so, a lot of contrasts emerged. The biggest one — Venus is actually a hothouse planet with a runaway greenhouse effect, making it inhospitable to life as we know it. Here are some more interesting facts about Venus...
about 3000bce, and it also is mentioned prominently in the astronomical records of other ancient civilizations, including those of China,Central America,Egypt, and Greece. Like the planetMercury, Venus was known in ancient Greece by two different names—Phosphorus (seeLucifer) when it appeared as...
48. First to the South Pole 49. Other Earth-like planets 50. Dancing lights Additional resources Bibliography Did you know that our planet is rocketing around the sun at 67,000 mph? Or that it may once have been purple? Here are 50 facts about Earth. 1. We're the third rock...
Venus Facts Earth Facts Mars Facts Facts about the Terrestrial Planets The terrestrial planets in our solar system orbit relatively close to the Sun, this gives them their other name; the “Inner Planets” Earth is the most hospitable to life. Mars may have supported life in the past, but ...