The gruesome 1979 IRA assassination of a beloved British royal—which took place the same day as a deadly coordinated attack on British troops—led to outrage, heartbreak and a heightening of “The Troubles,” the decades-long Northern Ireland conflict. The Provisional Irish Republican Army claimed...
Blue Irish is an herbaceous perennial plant that grows about 10–80 centimeters high. It is found growing in marshes, swamps, wet meadows, along shorelines, forested wetlands, sedge meadows, marshes, and along stream banks and shores. The plant prefers sandy or loam-peat like soils. The plan...
The first effective European balance of power came about at the next conjunction in Virgo around 1713 with the end of the War of Spanish of Succession and the Age of Enlightenment begins. Europe descended into the year of Revolutions at the next conjunction involving disruptive Uranus, power hung...
Bronner’s pretty much everywhere here, I’ve been showering with the Irish Spring for the past month, which has been pretty nice, I gotta say. Her: You smell great! Me: Don’t I?! Her: (rolling eyes) So humble, Logan Lo. Me: The humblest, even. Location: W 63rd, picking up ...
After ‘C-B’ resigned, Asquith became Prime Minister. He took over during a difficult period when the main concerns of the day were Irish Home Rule and Women’s Suffrage. The Old Age Pension Act of 1908 established the contemporary welfare state. ...
Irish: Henna Italy: Alcanna vera; arbusto della henna Japanese: Hen’na (ヘンナ) Javanese: Inai Kannada: Gōraṇṭi (ಗೋರಂಟಿ) Kazakh: хна Khmer: Henna Konkani: Meti Korean: Heneo (헤너) Lambadi: Bhurara ...
At least one British journo must be happy about News Corp troubles: Johann Hari, whose journalistic scandal has completely been submerged88923679941083136macdonaldajm Heh :) RT @expatina: You know who's really, really happy about the #notw scandal? I'll put my money on Johann Hari.8892209667...
By August 14, Biden had temporarily deployed about 6,000 U.S. troops to assist in evacuation efforts. Facing scrutiny for the Taliban's swift return to power, Biden stated,“I was the fourth president to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan—two Republicans, two Democrats. ...
The #1 spot in the AP Poll went to the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, for the second year in a row. The Heisman trophy went to Notre Dame’s Johnny Lujack, the team’s quarterback. FOOTBALL (PROFESSIONAL) In the NFL championship, the Chicago Cardinals defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 28-21....
Ladies who consumed about three cups of coffee each day were 20 % more unlikely to get basal cell carcinoma, the research discovered. “Given the almost 1 million new cases of BCC identified every year within the United States Of America, every day dietary factors along with even tiny protect...