1. Jason Dunham, a Marine Corporal saved two fellow Marines in Iraq by covering a live grenade with his helmet and body. - Source 2. CNN medical correspondent and neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta saved a Marine's life after he was shot in the head during the op
In the Stone and Bronze Ages, Ireland was inhabited by Picts in the north and a people called the Erainn in the south, the same stock, apparently, as in all the isles before the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. Around the 4th century B.C. , tall, red-haired Celts arrived from Gaul...
In a shocking and unprecedented move, the Palestinian Islamist Hamas unleashed a massive, multi-fronted onslaught on Israel, hurling thousands of rockets and launching an invasion of gunmen by land, sea, and air. The audacious attack, which occurred on Saturday, saw… Posted on October 9, 2023...
“Qatar has been securing investment since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine pushed Europe to find new sources of natural gas and quickly,” he wrote in an email. “They’re making deals left and right.” — Philip Marcelo. ___ CLAIM: A video shows a BBC News report confirming Ukraine ...
The U.S. military has been using depleted uranium in their ordnance for decades. Email number two came from a Mr. Mann, who was polite in his comments. He said I was operating more on emotion than fact about the invasion of Iraq. Regarding DU, he said: ...
During the rest of World War II, Syria was an Allied base. Again in 1945, nationalist demonstrations broke into actual fighting, and British troops had to restore order. Syrian forces met a series of reverses while participating in the Arab invasion of Palestine in 1948. In 1958, Egypt and...
On September 3, 1939, following the invasion of Poland, Chamberlain declared war on Germany. Prime Minister:Sir Winston Churchill Term:1940 – 1945 Political Party:Coalition After Chamberlain’s departure, Churchill was named Prime Minister of an all-party coalition administration. ...
However, he also says that America and Israel are partially responsible for the increase in global terrorism: “If we did not have the US military invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the United States’ unwarranted support for the inhumane actions of the Zionist regime against the oppressed ...
The invasion of Iraq into Kuwait came at a time when Saddam Hussein was in power. He is the one who ordered his troops to take over Kuwait. He is known as one of the worst rulers to ever live. He was a dictator who caused the death of many people. The United States Security Counci...
This page provides facts about Kuwait as well as a brief history of the oil-rich Persian Gulf state.