A bustling city-state in the heart of Southeast Asia, Singapore is famous for its booming economy and its strict regime of law and order. Long an important port of call on the monsoonal Indian Ocean trade circuit, today Singapore boasts one of the world's busiest ports, as well as ...
The oceans of the Earth are all connected. They are truly one "world ocean" which covers about 71 percent of the Earth's surface. The salt water which flows from one part of the ocean to another without hindrance makes up 97 percent of the planet's water supply. Geographers, for many ...
Cruise ships regularly pass through this route and boating activities are common during months with calm waves and wind conditions. In this article, we explore 10 interesting facts about the Tasman Sea. With a plethora of interesting historical and geographical facts, this is bound to make for so...
11. The kingdom of Aksum was the first to use the name ofEthiopiafor its nation as early as in the 4th century. The city of Aksum, also spelt Axum, in northern Ethiopia was the centre of the kingdom as it was located on the main trade route between the Roman Empire and Ancient Ind...
Africa is home to 55 countries, an ancient and complex history, modern cities, some 3,000 languages and over a billion people. From Algeria to Zimbabwe, here’s a snapshot of each country on a continent you need to know more about....
Today, Cape Town is, together with Johannesburg, the biggest transport hub in Southern Africa with refurbished Cape Town International Airport having been named 'Best Airport in Africa' in the international World Airport Awards. Cape Town's port is very popular along the busiest trade route in th...
History: The region is known to be inhabited from the 4th century BC. In the 9th century AD the first coastal settlements were established and the Swahili culture predominated at this time. Then the Arabs also stopped here on their Indian Ocean trade routes. Vasco da Gama reached Mozambique ...
Originating from there, the four rivers set off at the same time but flowed in different directions. After traveling tens of thousands of miles, they went to the same destination—the Indian Ocean.15. Kailash Range Area Exist Underground CitiesThere are two dungeons in the area around Kailash,...
Mississippi has also experienced significant economic challenges in recent years. The state has one of the highest poverty rates in the country, and its economy has been heavily reliant on agriculture, which has been impacted by factors such as climate change and trade disputes. ...
the highlands, follows acircuitousroute in its upper reaches before it enters the plain to the east of the highlands and then flows toward the northeast coast. Because a part of its catchment is well within theWet Zone, this river has a larger and less seasonally varied flow than the other...