Charles Darwin’s five year voyage on the HMS Beagle is one of the most famous scientific expeditions in history. In 1831, Darwin set sail on the HMS Beagle as the ship’s naturalist. He spent five years travelling to lots of destinations in South America, the Pacific Islands and Australia...
Think you know everything about Ecuador? Test yourself with interesting facts, history, and fun trivia you might not have known about Ecuador & the Galapagos.
Charles Darwin's groundbreaking book, "On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life", was published in 1859, twenty years after his epic voyage aboard the HMS Beagle. This book revolutionized the way we think about the...
4. Charles Darwin was not the official naturalist aboard the HMS Beagle Robert McCormick was the official hire appointed to keep records of the ship’s naturalist findings. Unfortunately, Captain Robert Fitzroy and McCormick didn’t get along well at all, and Fitzroy couldn’t stand the idea of...
During his voyage on the HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin discovered a small fox on Chiloé Island off the coast of Chile. The fox was sitting on a rocky cliff gazing curiously at the ship anchored offshore. Darwin wrote,“He was so intently absorbed in watching the work of the officers, that...
When the young naturalist was given the chance to go aboard theHMS Beagle, he rekindled his liking for undiscovered delicacies. During his trip, he was able to feast on armadillos, which he said “taste and look like duck.” He also had on his plate an unnamed, chocolate-colored rodent ...
His cousin introduced him to the hobby and also introduced Darwin to his mentor: botanist and professor Reverend John Stevens Henslow. Later, Henslow connected Darwin to Robert FitzRoy, the captain of a scientific survey ship, the HMS Beagle, on which Darwin would be named the ship's ...
The Beagle Gulf faces the Timor Sea from the west. It is surrounded by the Australian mainland from the south and faces the islands of Bathurst and Melville from the north. It was named after the famous ship HMS Beagle which Charles Darwin and Robert Fitzroy used to explore the areas around...
Scientific - Exploration can be for the purpose of scientific information. Examples include moon travel and Charles Darwin's scientific expedition on the ship HMS Beagle. Riches - Exploration is often motivated by the pursuit of riches. A prime example are the Spanish Conquistadors such as Hernando...
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