(3,220-km) overland route, on whichcholeraproved a far greater killer than the Native Americans. By August 1848, 4,000 gold miners were in the area, and within a year about 80,000 “forty-niners” (as the fortune seekers of 1849 were called) had arrived at the California goldfields....
The discovery of gold in California on January 24, 1848, led the next year to the famous gold rush of the Forty-niners, and in 1850 California was admitted to the Union as the 31st state. The northern portion of the Pacific Coast, known as the Pacific Northwest, had a somewhat ...
More than 10,000 years ago, the first people arrived in what is now California. They walked from Asia, crossing on a strip of land that’s now submerged under a body of water between Russia and the United States called the Bering Strait.
(3,220-km) overland route, on whichcholeraproved a far greater killer than the Native Americans. By August 1848, 4,000 gold miners were in the area, and within a year about 80,000 “forty-niners” (as the fortune seekers of 1849 were called) had arrived at the California goldfields....
Guadalupe Hidalgoin 1848, California was included in the Mexican territory ceded to the United States. The discovery of gold in California on January 24, 1848, led the next year to the famousgold rush of the Forty-niners, and in 1850 California was admitted to the Union as the 31st state...
Guadalupe Hidalgoin 1848, California was included in the Mexican territory ceded to the United States. The discovery of gold in California on January 24, 1848, led the next year to the famousgold rush of the Forty-niners, and in 1850 California was admitted to the Union as the 31st state...
(3,220-km) overland route, on whichcholeraproved a far greater killer than the Native Americans. By August 1848, 4,000 gold miners were in the area, and within a year about 80,000 “forty-niners” (as the fortune seekers of 1849 were called) had arrived at the California goldfields....
(3,220-km) overland route, on whichcholeraproved a far greater killer than the Native Americans. By August 1848, 4,000 gold miners were in the area, and within a year about 80,000 “forty-niners” (as the fortune seekers of 1849 were called) had arrived at the California goldfields....
The hardiest took the 2,000-mile (3,220-km) overland route, on which cholera proved a far greater killer than the Native Americans. By August 1848, 4,000 gold miners were in the area, and within a year about 80,000 “forty-niners” (as the fortune seekers of 1849 were called) had...