This can be seen on the flag for England, Georgia (Country), Norway, Sweden, andDenmark. There is also the Nordic Cross, which is found on all Scandinavian flags, which also represents Christianity. There are other symbols used to represent Christianity, but the cross is the most commonly ...
UK: United Kingdomis an country belonging to the European continent that includes four separate countries on the British isles: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Great Britainis the name for three nations on the main isle: England, Scotland and Wales Britainis used only for includin...
Denmark does have a lot of fascinating history beyond that, though. Through various ancient traditions, modern cultural phenomena, and interesting notes about the Danish flag, Danish language, and culture, there’s plenty to talk about when it comes to Denmark. As a European country and an acti...
Its name comes from people called the Angles who came from Germany1500 years ago. About 53 million people live in England and the capital city is London.Scotland is in the north of Britain. Over 5 million people live in Scotlan d. The highest mountain in the UK is in Scotlan d. It ...
What do you know about these different places? England, Scotland and Wales are on an island in the northwest of Europe called Great Britain. Great Britain together with Norther Ireland is called the United King or UK. England is the largest part of the UK. Its name comes from people ...
The monarch of England—and the United Kingdom—does not die. While generations of people have died while anointed as monarch, the system is arranged so that when the ruling monarch dies, their heir is instantly sworn in to succeed them. This way, the Royal Standard—AKAthe flag associated...
During the reign of Henry the Eighth, the king of England from 1509 to 1547,[11]“every light expression, which happened to displease him, was construed by his supple judges into a libel, and sometimes extended to high treason.”[12] Under Charles the First, the king of England from ...
Ukraine is often referred to as the 'breadbasket of Europe' The climate is mostly temperate but in the southern Crimean region, the climate is subtropical. A flight to Kyiv takes 3.5 hours from London/England and 9 hours from New York/USA. ...
Well, they’re really not joking. Although London is home to a population of over 8 million people and 3,236 square miles, the actual City of London is contained to an area of one square mile, making it the smallest city in England. ...
French Flag Facts The national flag of France is known as the “Le drapeau tricolore” and is a very famous tricolor flag. It is called a 'tricolor' flag as it has three equal vertical bands of blue, white, and red. This tricolor flag which you see so of