Ultraviolet light is the component of the electromagnetic spectrum situated between X-rays and visible light. With a wavelength between 100 and 400 nm, UV is divided into four bands: UV-A, UV-B, UV-C and Vacuum UV. UV has multiple applications. UV-A is used for attracting flying insects...
Ultraviolet radiation,that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum extending from the violet, or short-wavelength, end of the visible light range to the X-ray region. Its wavelengths are between 400 and 10 nanometers. Learn more about ultraviolet radiati
Because the expanding universe has cooled since this primordial explosion, the background radiation is in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Discovery of the cosmic background Beginning in 1948, the American cosmologist George Gamow and his coworkers, Ralph Alpher and Robert Herman,...
The energy of light is measured in waves on the electromagnetic spectrum. Invisible lights like ultraviolet and X-rays have shorter wavelengths than visible light. A refractive index indicates how much light will slow down traveling through a medium like glass or water. Ordinary glass has a refrac...
These ranges fall along the boundary between the radio and microwave bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, and have longer wavelengths than optical light. This band of light allows astronomers to probe into the dark cores of gas clouds to study star and planet formation, and to see extremely ...
The optical telescope definition is: a telescope for the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. So, what is a telescope? A telescope gathers and focuses light to create a magnified image of an object. Telescopes exist for all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. There are radio ...
Today the FCC rakes in $billions by selling RF/microwave spectrum to radiation profiteers, a gross conflict of interest. In addition, the Wireless Radiation Industry has long maintained iron-fisted control of the FCC and therefore always “regulates” itself. ...
Features of Electromagnetic Spectrum Applications of Hertz: Hertz Unit: Facts Hertz Unit: Examples Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What does hertz help with? The hertz is the SI unit of frequency and represents the number of oscillations/cycles/events that occur in a second. It is used...
Lawrence River. Levels were so high that Mohawk women were urged not to breastfeed because of the high levels of PCBs in breast milk. Last year, attorneys for the polluters filed a Freedom of Information Request to secure David Carpenter’s records about the PCB contamination of the ...
This means that the PCR test canonlytell you if a virus is present or not, but itcannottell you in what quantities. Most importantly itcannotmake any accurate assessment about whether the virus is actuallycausingthe disease. Even theCDC itself admitsthat a positive PCR test doesnotmean the ...