judged only by our deeds and not our status, gender or race. Dressed simply and alike in Ihram, everyone looks the same. There is also no segregation between men and women, as there is for the daily prayers, symbolising our gathering on the Day of Judgement where...
The Hajj involves performing a series of rituals set out by the Prophet Muhammad that link the pilgrimage to Adam and Hawa (biblical Eve), the prophets Ibrahim (biblical Abraham) and Ishmael, and the Day of Judgement. Most Muslims consider the Hajj to be one of the five pillars of Islam ...
is actually the logic behind why Catholics believe in a realm or state called "Limbo", because of infants dying they are not pure enough to enter into heaven because of inheriting Original Sin, so they are in this in-between state until the day of judgement. Purgatory is similar but doesn...
While Buddhism does not deny the existence of supernatural beings (indeed, many are discussed in Buddhist scripture), it does not ascribe power for creation, salvation or judgement to them. Like humans, they are regarded as having the power to affect worldly events, and so some Buddhist schools...