Discover interesting facts about octopuses, an intelligent group of cephalopods with three hearts, eight arms and a reputation for causing mischief in oceans around the world.
While research has given us quite a bit of insight into the Octopus there remains plenty to still learn about it. There have been some experiments with them to try to prolong life but many animal rights groups oppose this type of testing. Personality: A marine biology researcher named Jennifer...
The fish’s thin body allows it to move through the water quickly as well as swim in and out of narrow spaces in a coral reef. The average length of the fish is about two feet. Think of a wooden ruler you may use in school. Line up two of those rulers end to end and you’re...
Caribbean Reef Octopus With a weight of about three pounds, this octopus is considered medium-sized. They have a very large head and thick arms and move much more slowly than other types of octopus. Common Octopus The common octopus has received the most attention, and it has been demon...
The shark’s scientific name is Triaenodon obesus, which is odd because obesus means “fat” and the shark, like its cousins, is sleek and torpedo-shaped. Reef Shark Species The sharks that belong to the Carcharhinus genus are Carcharhinus perezi, the Caribbean reef shark; Carcharhinus gala...
Caribbean Reef Octopus Coconut Octopus East Pacific Red Octopus Giant Pacific Octopus Harlequin Octopus (LPSO) North Atlantic Octopus Octopus Cyanea Octopus Mimus Octopus Wolfi Southern Blue-Ringed Octopus Vent Octopus 10 Fun Facts about Octopus
Caribbean Reef Squid European Squid Humboldt Squid Japanese Flying Squid Longfin Squid Striped Pyjama Squid Vampire Squid 5 Fun Facts about Squids Like othercephalopod molluscs, squid have a large brain (similar to a dog). They can count, use signals to communicate with each other, solve problem...
Cephalopod, any member of the class Cephalopoda of the phylum Mollusca, a small group of highly advanced and organized, exclusively marine animals. The octopus, squid, cuttlefish, and chambered nautilus are familiar representatives. Learn more about ceph
Blacktip Reef (14 Known Attacks, 3 Fatalities) Oceanic Whitetip Shark (12 Known Attacks, 3 Fatalities) Shark Attacks by Country Shark Attacks in the United States 1: Great White Shark (351 Known Attacks, 59 Fatalities) Cage diving with great white sharks is about the only safe way ...
Slightly more attractive, though no more at home in shallow water, is the Caribbean roughshark (Oxynotus caribbaeus). One of the few fish on here that isn’t part of the anglerfish order, it is closely related to the more commonly seen prickly dogfish (Oxynotus bruniensis). Almost nothing...