21 Interesting Facts About the Atlantic Ocean Where is the Atlantic Ocean The Atlantic Ocean islocatedbetween the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean near Antarctica in the south. World map highlighting th...
The Atlantic Ocean is the first ocean to have been successfully crossed by ship and airplane. There’s a huge expanse in the South Atlantic Ocean called the “Roaring Forties.” Located between the tips of South America and South Africa, this area is named as such because of the strong win...
What you definitely should know about the Atlantic Ocean: 1. Location: Where is the Atlantic Ocean? The Atlantic Ocean is located between the Americas to the West of the Atlantic Ocean basin and the continents of Europe and Africa to the East of the ocean basin. The Equator divides the Atl...
The Atlantic Ocean is the saltiest and youngest ocean on our planet. Did you know that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the longest mountain range on Earth? It spreads from Iceland to Antarctica beneath the Atlantic.More interesting Facts about the Atlantic Ocean for Kids here.Extension...
The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of all the oceans in the world. It has an area of about 106,460,000 square kilometers (41,100,000 square miles). Click for Atlantic Ocean worksheets and facts in PDF and Google Slides format!
Basic Facts About the Ocean From space, Earth has been described as a "blue marble." Know why? Because most of the Earth is covered by ocean. In fact, almost three-quarters (71%, or 140 million square miles) of the Earth is an ocean. With such an enormous area, there's no argumen...
Fascinating Facts about the oceansthe world OceanThe World Ocean is the name for the five interconnected oceans on our planet. The World Ocean covers 70% of the Earth’s surface. The largest ocean is the Pacific Ocean that covers 30% of the surface of the Earth. The Atlantic Ocean covers...
Learn about the Atlantic Ocean and see where it's located. Explore the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean and study Atlantic Ocean facts, such as...
Atlantic Ocean, body of salt water covering about one-fifth of Earth’s surface and separating the continents of Europe and Africa to the east from those of North and South America to the west. Its name, derived from Greek mythology, means the ‘Sea of A
The second-largest ocean on Earth, the Atlantic drives our weather patterns, including hurricanes, and is home to many species from sea turtles to dolphins.