St. Augustine converted the very first Anglo-Saxon king, Ethelbert of Kent, to Christianity around 595 AD. Mercia was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom that spanned the Midlands between Wales and England. This large kingdom was famous for the Offa’s Dyke, which was built by its most famous ruler,...
The Anglo-Saxons were vastly outnumbered by the Normans. William’s army from Normandy totaled to 15,000 men while Harold only had about 5,000 men. Most of the Anglo-Saxons continued fighting even after Harold was killed. They had made a promise to fight until the very last man was kil...
After theAnglo-Saxons, came the vicious Vikings! Join the National Geographic Kids gang as we learn to live like a Scandinavian sea-warrior, in our ten fierce facts about the Vikings… Viking facts 1.The Vikings were famous for sailing huge distances from their home in Scandinavia between AD...
Top 10 Fascinating Facts About the Anglo-Saxons: With Simon Whistler. The Anglo-Saxons were Germanic invaders who conquered what would become England apparently massacring the indigenous Britons and were then forced to defend the land from invading Vikin
This bundle contains 11 ready-to-use King Harold II Worksheets that are perfect for students who want to learn more about King Harold II who is known as the last Anglo-Saxon King of England. He ruled the English kingdoms for nine months from January 1066, until his death in October 1066...
The Anglo-Saxons called the month of August “Weod month” because it’s a month when weeds and other plants grow rapidly! We like to think of August as the peak time for picking! In much of the country, here’s what’s in season: Summer Squash/Zucchini Cantaloupe and Watermelon Corn...
The Anglo-Saxons were the first to manage to unite and rule all of England, but after many years of war with Norse and Danish invaders, their reign was finally broken in 1066 when William the Conqueror sailed from Normandy (in Northern France) and invaded England. The Norman dynasty began...
Harold Godwinson was the last Anglo-Saxon King of England. His reign lasted only 9 months, but he is famous as a central character in one the seminal...
By 43 A.D the Romans invaded and ruled the United Kingdom for almost 400 years. The Saxons were next to move into Britain by the sixth century A.D. These were German peoples, and they gave the people their name – the “Anglo-Saxons” The Saxons remained there until the Viking, Da...
Events Leading to the Royal Act AfterRomestopped governingEnglandin the 5th century, theAnglo-Saxonsinvaded the country and introduced Catholicism. In 597, Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine to lead a mission to the Anglo-Saxons. In 90 years, Britain accepted Christianity. ...