Explore the ancient Mayan Civilization. Learn important facts about the Mayan history and timeline, famous Mayans, and their major achievements and...
An important purification element to the ancient Maya was the sweat bath, or zumpul-ché. Similar to a modern day sauna, sweat baths were constructed of stone walls and ceilings, with a small opening in the top of the ceiling. Water poured onto the hot rocks in the room created steam, ...
the Olmecs were an important early Mesoamerican civilization that had much influence on later cultures such as the Aztecs and the Maya. What Olmec facts do we know about these mysterious ancient people?
10)One of the most famous buildings left by the Ancient Romans is theColosseum–a huge ampitheatre in the centre of Rome. This is where members of the public would come to watch sporting events and games, including battles between Roman gladiators! 11)Tunics – two pieces of woollen fabric ...
The Mayans wove beautiful fabrics and designedmusical instrumentslike horns, drums, and castanets. They also carved huge statues. Archaeologists can tell a great deal about the ancient Maya from their wonderful pottery and clay figures. The art they created honored their leaders, gods, and their ...
7. The Origin of the World Every ancient civilization had its own theory on the origin of the world, and the Maya believed it was created by the gods Tepeu and Gucematz. These gods were depicted as blue and green feathered spirits surrounded by darkness, and they created the world around...
The Mayans had one of the most advanced writing systems of any ancient civilization and wrote on almost anything they could find, including their buildings. Graffiti anyone? 6 Unfortunately many of their writings were lost during the Spanish conquest. Through laborious study during the 20th and 21...
Here at Nat Geo Kids, we know how much our readers love reading facts about Ancient Egypt. Check out the famous ‘Boy King’, in our five fab Tutankhamun facts..Tutankhamun facts1. King Tut was nicknamed the Boy King because he began his reign when he was only nine years old!
Ancient rock art found in the Sahara depicts a range of animals, such as giraffes and hippopotamuses, that you would not find in the current desert. The Sahara is also still growing. In part due to a warming climate, the Sahara desert has increased in size by around 10 percent in the ...
The Maya people built one of the first major civilizations in Central America. Learn about the mystery surrounding the end of their great civilization, as well as what we know from the written language, calendar and math they left behind. ...