When we hear about the Air Force One, we immediately think of it as the most secure and the most sophisticated aircraft in the world, as it is a distinguished symbol of the presidency and power of the United States of America. Unknown by many, the "Air Force One" is not a single pla...
The Air Force Factstell you about the army air located in various countries in the world. The main function of this organization is to carry out the aerial warfare. The air force is very different from navy, army or even Marine Corps. There are various jobs of air force. It can give s...
There is considerable variation in how the major commands and subordinate units of the Air Force are organized. This overview describes both the typical organization chain and USAF's Air and Space Expeditionary Force. The D...
The badge of the Royal Air Force can be seen in various places such as RAF College “Cranwell’s gates, the Air Force Memorial’s entrance, and the Polish War Memorial in London.Royal Air Force WorksheetsThis is a fantastic bundle that includes everything you need to know about the Royal...
For 20 years, Airbus and the German Air Force in Manching have been working together to ensure that German Eurofighters and Tornados are ready for action when it counts. Here are 20 facts and figures about the cooperation that you should definitely know. ...
7. The Wright brothers established the world's first test flight facilities here in Dayton. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park are just a few of the Wright brothers' continuing legacies in Dayton today....
When it comes to delivering America’s resolve, the Raider will provide the Air Force with long range, high survivability and mission payload flexibility. The B-21 will penetrate the toughest defenses for precision strikes anywhere in the world. Here are 10 key facts about Northrop Grumman’s ...
As one of the allied forces who won WWII, China's first military parade to mark the victory day will attract the world's attention. Here are some facts about the parade: 作为二战盟军战胜国之一,中国此次纪念二战胜利日的大阅...
While these aircraft are referred to as Air Force One only while the president is on board, the term is commonly used to describe either of the two aircraft normally used and maintained by the U.S. Air Force solely for the president. An Air Force aircraft carrying the Vice President of ...
Unlike World War 1, which was mainly fought from trenches, World War 2 used the Navy, Air Force and Armies to fight using bombs, missiles and tanks which devastated large areas of land and people. Some of the main battles were: