WORLDS OF THE DEEP Watch the trailer for the upcoming five-part feature-length series about the Worlds of the Deep Sea, created in collaboration with Schmidt Ocean Institute and featuring stunning 4K visuals from their ROV SuBastian. EPISODES ARTICLES WATCH TRAILER 2. The Midnight Zone Below...
Feng-shui masters said that better-than-expected economic news was due the influence of the advancing dragon chasing the rabbit to the back of the zodiacal queue. As the euro zone heads toward the financial abyss and the US economy continues to limp along, the fierce protection offered by the...
the stillness of alone experiences provides us with much-needed rest. It brings forth our longing to explore, our curiosity about the unknown, our will to be an individual
Machu Picchu is precariously located on a very steep mountain. Yet for Peruvian standards the site is actually very low –only 2,420 meters above the sea level(read more about the height & risk of altitude sickness here). Coined as aNew Seven Wonders of the World, there are only two entr...
islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues, some 560 km to the east, along with various other islands including Agaléga and St Brandon and numerous uninhabited islets. Mauritius lies within the tropics being located just north of the Tropic of Capricorn. The Mauritian time zone is GMT + 0.4 (UTC +...
Sponge, any of the primitive multicellular aquatic animals that constitute the phylum Porifera. They number approximately 5,000 described species and inhabit all seas, where they occur attached to surfaces from the intertidal zone to depths of 8,500 metr
(less than one millimetre, or 0.04 inch, to a limb spread of more than three metres, or 10 feet) and the greatestdiversityof body form. Malacostracans are abundant in all permanent waters of the world: in the seas from the tropics to the poles and from the tidal zone to the abyss; ...
Years ago, Rabalais popularized a term for this broad area off the Louisiana coast: the "dead zone." In fact, dead zones aren't really dead. They are teeming with life — most of it bacteria and other ancient creatures that evolved in an ocean without oxygen and that need little to ...