Columbus was extraordinarily adaptable to the purposes of America's nation builders, people like John Pintard in the early part of the 19th century. 哥伦布非常适应美国建设者的目的,就像19世纪初的约翰宾塔。 And since not a lot of facts were known about Columbus, because writings weren't available...
Fortune cookies are not—nor have ever been—a Chinese custom.It was a modification of a traditional 19th century Japanese cookie, which was first popularized in San Francisco by Makota Hagiwara, a Japanese-American immigrant who created the Golden Gate Park’s Japanese Tea Garden. [ Wikipedia ...
In the 19th century, Japanese artist Keika Hasegawa produced a series of woodblock prints depicting chrysanthemums calledOne Hundred Chrysanthemums.They were printed in 1863, and copies can still be found today. If you visitJapanin the fall, you might see the Kasama Chrysanthemum Festival, marking ...
The Mount was named after Charles E. Rushmore, an attorney in New York who visited the Mount in the 19th century. Legend has it that Rushmore was intrigued by the batholith when he came across it while on a business trip. When he inquired about the mountain’s name, his tour guide cl...
Illustration of Primates by 19th Century Naturalist G.H. Schubert: 15)Monkeys Are Worshipped in a Number of Religions Hanuman is a human-like monkey god in the Hindu religion, and is a highly regarded deity. The god is believed to inspire strength and courage as well as bestow a long lif...
occurred on the top of the temple even after the Spanish conquest, although the sacrifices were conducted in secret to avoid getting in trouble with the Catholic Church. Some rumors persist that the last child sacrifice on the Great Pyramid of Cholula at some point in the 19th century. ...
Trade relations began when Russian explorers started trading with the First Nations people along the Alaskan coast, and this began around the 18th century. Around the 19th century, Europeans began making their way north in search of trade opportunities for the Hudson’s Bay Company, creating trade...
The practice of naming “generations” based on birth year goes back at least to the supposed “lost-generation” of the late 19th century. But as the tradition slid into a never-ending competition to be the first to propose the next name that sticks , it has produced gradually declining...
At the start of the 19th century, the passenger pigeon was the most common bird in North America, and possibly the entire world, with a population estimated at five billion or so individuals. However, these birds weren't evenly spread out over the expanse of Mexico, Canada, and the United...
The names of French scientists and engineers working throughout the 19th century were not forgotten by history — not only are they attached to several Parisian streets, but 72 of them are also engraved on the Eiffel Tower. The tributes were painted over in the early 20th century, but thanks...