In the 1830s, the Mexican government misgoverned the Texas region, which unsurprisingly upset both Mexican and American residents of Mexican Texas, to put it unreasonably simply. This ultimately led to hostilities between Texians (residents of Mexican Texas) and the Mexican military, which spurred T...
Not to be confused with amusement parks of the same name, Texas was, until recently, to recognize and hoist the flags of six different nations – The United States, Mexico, France, Spain, and The Republic of Texas. But wait, that’s only five! The sixth was once the flag of the Conf...
Facts About Texas The second-largest state in America,Texasis home to everything bigger and better. The Lone Star State has some of the most vibrant, cultural, and historic locations, includingHouston,Austin, andDallas, perfect for city walks and museum visits, shopping trips, and food tours....
Texas, constituent state of the U.S. It became the 28th state of the union in 1845. It is bordered on the north by Oklahoma, on the northeast by Arkansas, on the east by Louisiana, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by New Mexico. Its capital city i
Texas overtook New York as the second most populous state in 2000. Still, New York remains one of the most populous states in the country, and its gross economic product exceeds those of all but a handful of countries throughout the world. Quick Facts 1 of 4 See article: flag of New ...
and technology center. Houston is outstanding in oil and natural-gas production and is the energy capital of the world. It is the home of one of the largest medical facilities in the world-the Texas Medical Center-and the focus of the aerospace industry. The Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center...
From sports teams to music (Austin, TX is known as the Live Music Capital of the World), there’s no shortage of interesting things in this grand state. Table of Contents Five Texas Facts: The name “Texas” comes from the Native American word “tejas,” which means “friends.” Learn...
When you spin the wheel, facts about Texas appear, including: Biggest Cities, Capital, Flag, Bodies of Water, Postal Abbreviation, State Bird, Population (rank), Area (rank), Residents Called, Bordered by, Major Industries, and Entered Union (order). United States of America: Follow the ...
* The state of Texas contains 0.46% of the world’s total land area and has a population density of about 117 people per square mile.[20] If everyone in the world moved to Texas, the population density would be 31,079 people per square mile. This is 3% below the population density of...
Explore more U.S. states and territories facts and photos Get facts and photos of the U.S. states and territories, and the District of Columbia. Video: 50 Birds, 50 States Native Americans Countries Legal Terms of Use Privacy Policy Your US State Privacy Rights Children's Online Privacy ...