The dead gladiator’s body was dragged off from the stage via the Porta Libitinaria - named in honour of the Roman goddess Libitina, patron of funerals and death customs. Afterwards his body would be stripped of its armour and weapons in the nearbyspoliarium, ready to be used by the next...
Tyche –Goddess of fortune. Nike –Goddess of victory. Nike and her brothers – Zelus, Kratos, and Bia were the children of the Titan Pallas and the Oceanid Styx. Paeëon (Paeeon) was the god of healing. Asclepius –God of healing. Circe was a sorceress. Her island was guarded by ...
The gods meet on Mount Olympus to end the desecration. Thetis is dispatched to tell Achilles to return Hector to King Priam; the goddess Iris is sent to Priam with instructions to set a ransom. Hermes, the gods’ messenger, escorts the old man to Achilles camp. The warrior takes pity on...
Here is a quick look at the origin story, symbols and facts about Nike – the Greek Goddess of Victory. Nike’s Birth in Greek Mythology Nike, the winged goddess, was born to the Titan Pallas and the nymph Styx. Nike’s father, Pallas, was the Titan god that handled warcraft. He was...
The most common origin story is that Hades was born to the Great Mother goddess Rhea and Kronos (Father Time) on the island of Crete, along with his brothersZeusand Poseidon. Hades is married toPersephone, who must stay with him in the Underworld part of each year, and returns to the ...
Dysnomia is named for the daughter of the goddess Eris in Greek mythology, and is the Greek goddess of lawlessness. Eris and its moon are currently the most distant known natural objects in the entire Solar System. As of 2014, Eris’ distance from the Sun is approximately 96.4 astronomical ...
The accusation that Carrey discarded the faithful spouse for the trophy goddess deeply offends him. Sentences that usually spin mellifluously out of him are now coughed up with a coating of grit: “All these things come up – like, well, he went Hollywood, and he left his wife, and shit...
about the Sumerian shepherd and fertility godTammuz(Akkadian: Dumuzi) and his consort Inanna (Akkadian:Ishtar), who in her various aspects is the mistress of date clusters and granaries, the patroness of prostitutes and alehouses, a goddess associated with the planet Venus and spring thunderstorms...