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Bumblebee bats (Craseonycteris thonglongyai) live in limestone caves found near rivers in the forests of Thailand and Myanmar. These tiny mammals only ever stray about 0.62 miles (1 kilometer) from their home cave. The main threat to these bats is interference by humans. Humans often visit ...
Approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. shelters each year. Approximately 4.1 million shelter animals are adopted yearly. About 810,000 stray animals that enter shelters are returned to their owners. Roughly 57% of all shelters in the U.S. are no-kill shelters. As of 2023, it...
The African elephant isthe world’s largest land mammal, with the Asian elephant not far behind. These far-ranging animals need plenty of land to forage, but as human populations continue to grow, elephants and humans find themselvesin conflict over space. Onlyabout 20% of their habitatis pro...
Leopards possess the ability to kill young animals, but they do not have many opportunities since the young rarely stray far from the adults. Scavengers will eat these animals who die from natural causes or injury, but there are no true predators for healthy gorillas. What does a gorilla eat...
2. The First Dog in Space: A Stray's Journey to the Stars The first animal to ever venture into space was a dog named Laika, a stray from the streets of Moscow. Laika was launched into space aboard the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 in 1957, making her the first living creature to ...
These birds, as a general rule, rarely stray far from their home territory. The home range is so important to them that they will aggressively defend their territory from intruders. Only a few types of kingfishers break this rule. For instance, the belted kingfisher is a long-range migratory...
In 2013, a 9-year-old female Munchkin kitty named “Lilieput” won an award for theShortest Cat in the World. Measuring 13.34 centimeters (5.25 inches), no other cat has broken the record to date. Lilieput was an adorable straytortoiseshell Munchkinthat was 2 years old when her owner ado...
The Galapagos subspecies must also worry about stray dog packs.El Niño, a cyclical warming of the Pacific Ocean, has also proved devastating for sea lions, as it greatly diminishes their food supplies and increases diseases. Reproduction, Babies, and Lifespan Breeding season for sea lions is ...
Whilst the majority of the band is out foraging for food, the young meerkats never stray far from the den and whilst playing in the hot sand, are kept a watchful eye on by an appointed babysitter. Meerkats can live for up to 10 years in the wild but have been known to live for ...