Examine the history of Sparta. Discover where Sparta was in ancient Greece with a map, learn about the Spartan flag, and see what Spartan territory...
The classical Greek period, also known as the Golden Age of Greece, lasted from around 480 BCE to 323 BCE. This was a time of great artistic and intellectual achievement in Greece, and the rise of city-states such as Athens and Sparta marked it. What were some of the key achievements ...
Greece and Us Imagine that you hop in a time machine and go back about two thousand years. A lot would have been different back then, especially if you enjoy playing games on an iPad. Even so, you might recognize a lot of similarities to today. You might see people voting, or watching...
Before we visit any country, we like to learn a little bit about where we will be visiting. That is why we decided to give you this resource. We have broken this article into general facts, fun facts, and ancient facts about Greece. You may also want to read: IsGreece Expensive to V...
21-23 Interesting Facts About Athens 21. The Panathenaic stadium in Athens, Greece is the only stadium in the world built entirely of marble. Additionally, it had a greater capacity (50,000) in 144 AD than today (45,000). –Source ...
Considered to be the founding father of Western philosophy, Socrates examined all aspects of life in ancient Athens—to his own detriment.
Facts about Ancient Greece. Information about the people, art, wars, architecture, and more about one of the world's first great civilizations.
The Heraclids were Hercules’ children and descendants. When the Mycenaean civilization collapsed during the Dorian Invasion, the ancient Greeks believed the Heraclids were ancestors of rulers in Argos, Sparta, and Messenia. SYMBOLISM AND POPULAR CULTURE ...
Born and raised in Greece, Galen of Pergamon studied anatomy and physiological theory in Alexandria, Egypt, and honed his medical skills by treating wounded gladiators in his birthplace before settling in Rome in 162 A.D. In addition to performing surgeries such as cataract removals, Galen advocat...
Ch 17. Ancient Greece: Sparta Overview Ch 18. 4th Century Greece Till the Death of... Ch 19. Important Ancient Greek... Ch 20. Ancient Rome from 264 to 31 BC Ch 21. Ancient Rome from 44 BC to AD... Ch 22. Important Ancient Roman Personalities Tiberius Gracchus: Biography & Quotes...