The Songhai Empire was a state in the western Sahel during the 15th and 16th centuries. Learn all about its history with our worksheets!
The Ghana Empire, also referred to as Ghana, Ghanata, or Wagadou, was a historical empire situated in the western Sahel region during the classical to post-classical periods in what is now southeastern Mauritania and western Mali. Click for PDF and Googl
Inca Empire Architecture, Structures & Buildings 5:28 Ottoman Empire Architecture, Art & Culture 6:16 Gupta Empire Architecture | History, Trends & Style Mauryan Empire Architecture 5:30 The Architecture & Art of the Songhai Empire 5:43 Mauryan Empire | Religion, Architecture & Facts 5:...
Did you know? From the mid-15th to the late 16th century, the Songhai Empire in what is today Niger was one of the largest Islamic empires ever to exist.NigeriaThe National Mosque of Nigeria in Abuja, the country’s capital. The building was constructed in 1984.Photo credit Jeff AttawayNI...
Many of these architectural innovations stand today. The whole of Mali and theSonghai Empireserves as testimony to hissuperior administrative gifts. But most importantly,the moral and the religious principlesthat he had taught endured after his death. ...
It was first developed as a Phoenician town in Tunisia, but it eventually expanded into a vast maritime empire that controlled trade in gold, textiles, copper, and silver. The Songhai Empire. The devout King Muhammad I Askia took the Empire to its zenith in the early 16th century when it ...
The progressive loss of its northern and eastern lands to the expanding Songhai Empire and the shift in Mali’s economic priorities from the trans-Saharan trade routes to the booming coastal commerce are the other characteristics of this era. ...
Songhai Related Places: Nigeria Mali Niger Gao Songhai empire, great trading state ofWest Africa(flourished 15th–16th century), centred on the middle reaches of theNiger Riverin what is now centralMaliand eventually extending west to theAtlanticcoast and east into Niger andNigeria. ...
Songhai empire, great trading state of West Africa (flourished 15th–16th century), centered on the middle reaches of the Niger River in what is now central Mali and eventually extending west to the Atlantic coast and east into Niger and Nigeria. Learn m
Mali empire, trading empire that flourished in western Africa from the 13th to the 16th century. Mali rose to the apogee of its power under Mansa Musa (1307–32?). It later outgrew its political and military strength and by about 1550 ceased to be import