Accordingly, both the energy barriers and the relative stability of the zwitterionic intermediate affording the different pentoses can be evaluated. However, data did not fulfill the expectations. In contrast to the experiment indicating the prevalent formation of arabinose, the energy barriers favor xyl...
FactsaboutUStariffsonChina ■AftertheUSelectioninearlyNovember,potentialUStariffincreasesonChinesegoodsbecametopofmindforinvestors.Inourclientconversationsafter publishingthe2025ChinaEconomicoutlook,wereceivedmanyquestionsonUStariffs.Inthisnote,wedelveintodetailedtradedataandprovidesome usefulfactsonexistingUStariffsonChin...
The USEnergy Information Administrationhas recommended that levelized costs of non-dispatchablesources such as wind or solar may be better compared to theavoided energy costrather than to the LCOE of dispatchable sources such as fossil fuels or geothermal. This is because introduction of fluctuating po...