An October 2021 survey found that 91 percent of 15 to 16-year-olds used social media, and 87 percent had their own social media profile. Whilst this may not be surprising for those in their teenage years, it was also found that almost a quarter of children aged three to four years had...
Report on the topic Top Seller Explore this report Related topics Media usage in the United States Mobile app usage of children in the United States Video gaming of children and teens in the United States Children and media in the UK Social media and children in the UK Advertising...
Are children today growing up too soon? How do they - and their parents - feel about media portrayals of sex and personal relationships? Are the media a corrupting influence, or a potentially positive and useful resource for young people? Drawing on an extensive research project, which investig...
Hundreds of posts and reposts warned of a bad man, but none of the reports were true. No evil monster was trying to grab children from school. The monster was made up by too many people posting false details on social media. Soon, the panic faded. People forgot about the evil man—and...
Singapore's Social Media Habits Singapore's active social media users spend on average about 2.5 hours every day across around seven social media platforms.1 One reason for this high rate of usage is Singapore's mobile penetration rate. The US has a penetration rate of 85%, which is surp...
-- ready-made content for your parent or staff newsletter. You can use the image in your send-home or online parent newsletter without permission. Any other use of this material in print or on the Web is not allowed without the written consent of
Street prostitutes are sex workers who sell sexual services on the street. They are typically young women who are street-dependent and may be addicted to drugs. Many street prostitutes have been sexually abused as children and/or have little or no support from family or friends. They are ...
Wikimedia Commons 2. Experimental Children A Hungarian man named László Polgár conducted an experiment on his children with the premise that “any child has the innate capacity to become a genius in any chosen field, as long as education starts before their third birthday and they begin to ...
What is a parent to do in the meantime? "Continue to parent your child." Johnson said. Like all children, "teens have specific developmental vulnerabilities and they need parents to limit their behavior," she said. Research on the different rates of brain function development during adolescence...
cannabis is legalized and is more accessible in various forms across the country, there is increasing concern among health care providers about potential impact on children. Researchers have new findings to add to the existing evidence that cannabis exposure before birth can negatively impact children....